
I think my dog stepped in gum. Now there's a whole lot of gunk on his paw.?

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How can I get rid of it? I'm afraid to pull it off. It's on the pad.




  1. Put him in the bathtub!

    warm water and gently slide a knife over it (butter knife haha)

    if that doesn't work then put some mayo

  2. Everyone stole my answer! haha.

    I was gonna say go for the ice. Eli would probably try to eat the ice, but, maybe Judge will be still and let you help him out.  

  3. My dog did the SAME thing! It was on her hip though. I washed it like crazy then combed through it with a fine tooth comb. PB only softened it, it didn't take it out...

    OH, and baby oil may work too.

    Here's my Q I posted about it, and other answers that might help!;...

  4. if you hold an ice cube on the gum till it goes hard it should just snap off or you could pick it off easier

  5. Well, he probably won't like it much, but if you hold a piece of Ice to the spot with the gum on it for a couple of minutes, the gum will peel right off.

    You can also spray aerosol hairspray on it at close range (Point blank) and peel it off, then you'll also need to wash his paw.

  6. First try baby oil and put a liberal amount on the paw and wipe with a dry paper towel to remove.  Then wash with dish soap and warm water to completely remove the gum.  If the baby oil doesn't work try Peanut butter, yes, peanut butter and rub into the gum.  Why this works I guess because of all of the oil.  

    If these methods fail, then use WD-40 it works every time.  Don't let him l**k his paw until it's cleaned up.

    Go to it!

  7. get a sponge

  8. put ice on it then pull it off  

  9. The Icecube really works

    That happened to my friend once!

  10. Get an ice cube and freeze it. It should peel right off.

    Or, you can try peanut butter. Then Judge can l**k the remaining peanut butter off his paw.

    BTW, I love all the cute pictures you post of Judgerz. I look forward to seeing a new avatar from you!  He's such a photogenic dog!

  11. Try an ice cube or a warm bath. =)

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