
I think my dream was a sign?

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I woke up @ 2 am this morning,I'm 6 months prego as of yesterday.Of coarse im thinking of names for my baby girl,(her father wants the first name to be Ariel,after the little mermaid)so i have the middle name to pick and in my dream i wrote down Naomi Leigh and woke straight up and wrote it down and i just took this as a sign so i have been thinking all day of this her name would be Ariel Naomi Leigh Asher(not set in stone yet), I dont know what it is but i was taking it as a sign can someone help me interpret my dream if theres is anything to interpret im just very carious,thanks to everyone.




  1. It is a sign you will most likely name her that but it is your chose

  2. yeah its your sign for the name of your daughter you must name her as in your dream and it can be a good omen.

  3. CONGRATS! and yeah it could be a sign.... that name is soooo pretty (=

  4. Wow that is pretty cool.  I think it is a sign.  Some children before they are born want to take part in the naming.  They specificly picked a name already that they would like you to call them.  I think your little girl was communicating to you.  Maybe in your dreams was only way she was able to contact you.  Good luck with your little baby girl.  God bless.

  5. No one can interpret your dreams or tell you what they mean. Only you can do this. Never mind those who say they can tell you what your dream "means." It only means something to YOU because you give it your personal meaning.

    Don’t bother with dream books, dream dictionaries, internet sites that tell you to look for codes or symbols or hidden mysteries in dreams. Dreams do not contain such things. Dreams are straightforward, just like your waking thoughts.

    There is always a purpose to a dream. Everything that human beings think, feel, or do has a purpose. It is part of what Dr. Alfred Adler called "the psychology of use."

    Dreams don't come to you from outside yourself, nor do they arise from your "subconscious." Once you become aware of having a dream, it’s conscious. You make your dreams up. You create them, just as you create your thoughts.

    The purpose of your dreams while you are asleep is the same as the purpose of your thoughts while you are awake. That is, to solve your problems.

    Figure out the purpose of a dream and the problem it is trying to solve, and you have its meaning. Dreams are thoughts while you sleep, attempting to solve your problems.

  6. First off.. Congrats... I hope you have a happy and healthy baby

    Two: I would take it as a sign, not much to interpret  for you only mention writing down the name. but to dream that you are waiting, is indicative of issues of power/control and feelings of dependence/independence, especially in a relationship. Consider how you feel in the dream while you were waiting. Alternatively, it may denote your expectations and anxieties about some unknown situation or result. You are ready to take action.

    Finally : I think that is a lovely name for your child.

    Blessed be  and blessings to you  and your family


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