
I think my eyesight is going. That or I'm spending too much time on the computer. Which one is it?

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Recently i've been spending most of my day on the Internet or writing stories on Microsoft Word. I tried reading a book today and the words on the pages looked almost 3D, or they were jumping off the page or something. I'm also getting headaches a lot more often and by the end of the day I have to stare to see things clearly, but by then I've been on the computer most of the day. I'm trying to cut back but recently even watching TV too long is bothering me. Is my eyesight going or is it something else?




  1. probably eye strain, also you didn't mention if you were glasses/contacts. whatever the case, rest your eyes time to time. close your eyes and try to relax, even just for a few minutes if you don't have the time.

  2. It is probably from the computer. But, just in case, I would just borrow some body's glasses that you know and see if your sight gets any better.!!?? Hope this Helps!!

  3. well you are losing your vision.......or its your body telling you to get away from some screens for awhile.

  4. heres a tip, stop going on the computer for about a week. if things don't improve, see a doctor. :)

    hope i helped.

  5. yes it is because you have been reading stories off the computer. it's not that you are damaging your eyesight it's just that if you stare at something like a computer or tv for to long that's just what happens especially if you are reading.

  6. Yo Yo Yo, what is needed here is high quality nutrient for the eyes. Must take in enough lutein to keep those wonderful babies happy and strong, regardless of how much your creativity depends on the use of a computer. "Ocuvite"-made by Bausch & Lomb (..formulated to provide nutritional support for the eye...) is a decent option. There are other sources to obtain Lutein but I found the deal at Costco and for the price is hard to beat! These morsels of health are pricey!!! Then 10 minute break each hour using your other senses while hydrating the body with different fluids (precious water, green tea, etc., all energy drinks banned from the choices) Good Luck with the stories, hope we meet again in this conglomerate and do remember...The One Eyed is King in the Land of the Blind!

  7. i think you spent to much time focusing on the computer when i sit at the computer too long i get headaches and my eyes start to hurt.

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