I am an only child, and I have been suspicious of my Dad for about 3 months now. So, I will admit that I did somthing bad, and went onto his work email to see if I could find any evidence. He was talking to a woman via email and mentioned somthing about a meeting with a hooker. My Dad jokes a lot so I thought maybe he was kidding, but then he told the lady that the type of pleasure she got from him was "the tears rolling down your cheeks at climax" and then asked "Do you remember?". She said of course and then asked him to meet her for a "night cap". He did.
I don't know how to confront him, and if he is really cheating then I will be the one to break my family apart, and I don't know if I can. My stomach hurts so bad beacuse I need to talk to one of my parents but I don't know how, and I don't think I have enough evidence, and it could really damage my relationship with my parents. But, I havn't been able to look either one of them in the eye since I found out. I don't think my Mom knows because he always says that his is working late.
Please tell me what to do!