
I think my freckles r fading,is it true if i spend more time in the sun they wont fade?

by  |  earlier

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how is that possible?




  1. Time in the sun definitely brings the color out in freckles. Mine were darker when I was younger, and I thought they disappeared, but one long day in the sun and they come back.

  2. Freckles are the same pigment in your skin that makes you tan.  When you get a lot of sun, your skin starts to tan, and your freckles become darker because basically what freckles are is an uneven tan.

    And just like tans fade in the winter time when you don't get much sun, freckles also become lighter when you're inside all the time.  A tanning booth with do the same thing, make your freckles get darker.

    Freckles are HOT!  Take good care of them, because us guys love them on girls faces.

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