
I think my friend has a drug problem what should do?

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i was talking to my Friend yesterday and all she can talk about was

smoking weed and she new all these names for weed that i didn't know of i keep asking her what they meant

also she keeps on telling me to try it and i kind of did want to just to try it but today i didn't call her back now i'm scared she may be mad at me




  1. looks like she is NOT your friend.

    Inform her parents and take her to a drug rehabilitaton can also look for information on the net but be sure it is authentic.

    the best thing that you can do is to tell everything to your as well as her parents..and then consult a doctor.

    and BEWARE: Please do NOT try smoking weed or any such thing under any kind of pressure. Its not cool or trendy...and its very very difficult to quit if u get hooked to the don't experiment with drugs

  2. lol at Phineus Krisp and pot is no big deal you can't become addicted to pot and the only reason it is illegal is because back in the day when all the white people were afraid of black people their was a dea agent trying to make a name for himself went on a propaganda campain saying that pot caused black men to rap and kill white women and since only white men could vote all the white men were scared and they never called pot majurana before so they didn't know what was being outlawed and george washington smoked and grew pot and albert einstine also smoked pot so don't fall for the propaganda go out and educate yourself

  3. DO NOT DO IT!! go to your school counselor and tell what you know this way your friend can get the help they need.  Sometimes you may have to not call back even though she may get mad.  Stick to your own beliefs, good for you!

  4. Tell him/her you do not do drugs. Its not cool and you want to stay friends but he or she needs to quit. Tell him or her in only burns up his/her brian cells and ruins his future.

    If he gets mad at you and will not listen. Tell your parents and get him help imediately. If you lose a friend that thinks drugs are cool. He is not your friend anyway.  

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