
I think my friend is cheating on her husband...!?

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I don't know what to do my friend approached me one day and told me that she is cheating on her husband. The guy she is cheating with is a guy that she met in a club and she barely knows this guy. She says that she has been seeing this guy behind her husband's back for about three months now. Her husband then approached me and asked me if he know if there's anything going on with his wife (my friend) because she has been really distant. I have no clue what to do! I want to tell my friend's husband because he's like my older brother whom I've known since high school, but the scary thing is, my friend thinks that she's pregnant now and the baby is not her husband's. What should I do? This sound like a soap opera to me. Please help!




  1. Tell your friend to tell the truth, it'll come out eventually and you don't want to be in the middle, if she won't then let her know you won't lie to her husband if he asks....

  2. i would stay out of it. I have been cheating lately to and i told a friend about what me and him were doing and he suspected us to and he went and told the woman i was pissed!Neither of us are married though! The problem is like that one girl said u might lose both of them. Or she might accuse u of sleeping with your husband!Who knows what could happen.

    But what i would do is talk with her!Be honest with her and tell her u need to tell your husband!Sense she is prego its a good time now to tell him!

  3. I would tell the wife that she needs to come clean to her husband.  tell her that she has one day to tell him, otherwise you will have to tell him because she disclosed that information to you and he has asked you if i know anything and you care too much about the both of them to lie.

  4. I would try not to get involved, but i'd say to your friend tell your husband or someone else will. They need to work things out this shouldnt be your problem.

  5. Wow.

    So I've been in a similar predicament where my friend may have been cheating on her husband and somehow I was caught in the middle.

    I know, you feel like maybe you should say something to the husband, but before you even go there, talk to your friend. Let her know that you're uncomfortable knowing what's going on and that you think it would be best if she went and told her husband the truth, for the sake of the unborn child. If she's you REAL friend, she'll understand you are concerned and will ask you to help her through her situation. If she blows up on you, tells you to mind your business...then let it go, back away, keep what you know to yourself. Some people can not take advise or criticism.

    Hopefully it's for the best....but...If push comes to shove and your loyalty is more towards the husband, I would send him an ANONYMOUS letter only highlighting your speculations. Don't tell him who it's from, don't leave a trace of who sent it, and don't get too specific. Just give a general letter letting him know that you think he should know his wife is cheating on him.

    I know, this seems real shady, but again I say...Only use this if you feel your loyalty is towards the husband and you feel you just really need to say something. However, I strongly advise you to just talk to the wife then back away from the situation all together.  

  6. I think you should tell him, but you can do it in a way that no one will know but you. Gather some proof, like a pic of your friend and her new guy kissing someplace. Then anonymously mail the letter to him, or put it on his car or whatever. Then, he will take it from there.

    if he is suspicious, a simple letter could do it. Say you know him and his wife, and she is cheating. If you know about a meeting between the friend and her new guy, put that in the letter. But, what you need to do, is make sure it something that would be public knowledge. Like, if your friend tells you something in secret, leave that out. But, if its something like, then going to the same hotel, then you could say that, because someone could have caught them.  

  7. tell them both that it is their relationship and you have no business taking skdes or intruding. let them work it out for themselves. if you get in the middle you will lose both of them when it blows up.

  8. Tell her husband the truth. If you tell your friend I feel that she will not make things right with her husband. She wants her cake and eat it too!

    Your friend is a deceiver! Now a rumor of the kids is not even his wow. I hope her husband dumps her for real lol

    Dont let him find out on his own! What if she never tell him! What if he is stuck with a cheater and fathers a illegitimate child? Would you want someone to tell you if your man was cheating on you?

    or do this

    Tell him his wife is hiding something from you. Ask her and then step back.

  9. I have been cheated on and my new philosophy is this: If I know for a fact that someone is cheating, I will tell the other person. It absolutely sucks for everyone to know but you when it is happening to you!

  10. tell your friend that her hubby asked you about it.  give her some time (maybe 2 days) to tell him what's going on.  tell her that after that you can't keep the secret anymore because honesty is the way to keep the relationship.  

  11. First follow your gut. This guy already knows. So maybe you need to think what you will say when he comes and asks again. I am really sorry you feel she is cheating. If your head and heart is telling you that then maybe its something worth checking out. You know she is my friend and I think of you as my older brother. I hate that you feel this way. Tell your friend that you are sorry she is a cheater time to come clean if she is pregnant. Why should her husband pay for a child that's not his? How far has she really been. Time to put a little pressure on her to come face up to what she is doing. You know it's wrong so time to really follow your heart and do what you feel you have to do.  

  12. butt out...

  13. Who's your real friend here? Sounds like he is since you've known him since high school. He needs to know that his wife is a dirty w***e and is going to have the b*****d child of another man. Wouldn't YOU want to be told?

  14. Yes certainly does sound like a soap opera...oh what a tangled web we weave. If I were you I would stay out of it as far as her husband is concerned. I wouldn't cover for her, but I would just say "I wish I could help you, but I really don't know." I would then tell your friend how you feel about it and tell her you don't want to know about it. You can't lie about what you don't know about. If you choose to go the friend route, and keep it secret, I would tell her like it is and not sugar coat anything. There is a limit to your obligation here and if you become that uncomfortable with it, step out.  

  15. don't do anything . don't get involved . they might get things worked out or they get the divorce . if u say something and they work things out u will lose 2 friends b/c u will be the one who were trying to tear them apart in stead of help them . if they get the divorce b/c of u she will hate u so much . stay way from them . tray to not see them .  

  16. I would stay out of it. Let her husband find out on his own, in due time..

    This is your friend's mess, not yours. I do understand and commend your desire to protect her husband, who is also your friend.. but this issue isn't yours to take on. Leave it up to them.

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