
I think my friends going to hate me?

by  |  earlier

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so last night I was at a party with my friends, the guy that i like, his friend, and these other two boys...One of the boys I didnt know i programed my number into his phone not thinking about it at all..and well i think my friend likes him..i didnt realize this until later..and he just texted me right now, I dont like him at all because my friend likes him!..but he texted me just now, and I dont want my friend to be mad at me..I made it clear to him that i like the other boy that was there last night..what should i do?




  1. Tell him your friend likes him.

  2. tell your friend and stop talking to that guy

  3. Just say to him that you don't like him and threaten him with a rumour.

  4. Just tell your friend that you don't like him!

    and give him your friends number

    Good luck

  5. So he's not allowed to text you because your friend likes him?

    Oh my, does that mean I just cheated on my girlfriend when I texted her sister to see how she is?

  6. the best thing you could do is talk about your friend to him, and try to get him to like your friend

  7. Ok, so he texted...big f*cking deal.  Did he text you asking you out on a date?  Probably not, so just make sure you don't send him any signals of being romantically interested.  Girls tend to be really poor at NOT sending out those signals because they like the attention.  Be a bigger person and make sure you don't lead him in any other direction than toward your friend that likes him.

  8. tell your friend what you just told us.. hopefully she understand you meant nothing by it so i dont see the problem

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