
I think my girlfriend is pregnant?

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me and my girlfriend had s*x august 15. she got her period august 25 and it ended august 30th...she just threw up today(september2)..i just want to know if theres a possibility she can be pregnant?




  1. not possible she pregnant and she just had her period but still go get a test just 2 be sure

  2. bro, move to another state, change your name and forget you ever knew her.

  3. Was it protected & is she on the pill? At least one of these options must be taken into action. At least, she got her period for 5 days that's regular & normal. But was it a heavy or light flow? Either way, some people can still get their period the first couple of times during the first months or so. It's rare but it happens. Second, she could have thrown up for many reasons. Sometimes I get sick because I didn't take my pill properly or because I lacked much sleep in days.

    better safe than sorry, don't play with fire. take a test and find out. or go see a doctor. than see what your options are. good luck

  4. I would buy a train ticket to the West as soon as possible..............

  5. boy you put your seed in my daughters belly, now we gone to go get yu a shotgun weddin'.

  6. No she got her period. Just cause she threw up doesn't mean she's pregnant. She probably ate something bad or something.

  7. It doesn't sound likely that she is, but there is always a chance if you have had s*x.

  8. If she got her period, then no, she shouldn't be pregnant.

    Usually, someones pregnant if they MISS their period. If you're worried about her situation, sit down with her and offer to take her to go get a pregnancy test from the store. Be with her one this. She's probably just as worried as you might be.

    Good luck.

  9. jus cause she threw up doesn't mean she's pregant. she could have eaten something bad or had an upset stomach for whatever reason. chances are if she just had her period august 25-30 she prob isn't pregnant. if your so worried about her getting pregant, wear a condom , have her go on birth control, or jus don't have s*x.

  10. nope!

    she had her period for 5 days.

  11. No, she just ate some bad seafood.

  12. I don't think so, man.

    If she got her period ten days later, I think you're clear.

  13. no shes maybe just sick or something maybe its just late side effects from her period

    help me plz!!!

  14. If she had her period, odds are in your favor she isn't pregnant.

    People throw up for more reasons than pregnancy. You can't assume pregnancy every time a woman gets nauseated and barfs. If she thinks she really could be pregnant, then all she needs to do is take a test. It's pretty simple.

  15. Very likely she is not.  Next time use a contraceptive and you won't have these worries.

  16. No, she is not pregnant. She had her period after you had s*x. You kids are paranoid. You should be better educated about s*x and pregnancy before you start having intercourse. She had a long period, and she most likely is ill or her nerves are making her stomach upset. I've thrown up lots of times and not been pregnant. If she's that paranoid wait a few weeks and take a test, but I can promise you she is NOT pregnant. Be sure to use condoms and also ask her to take birth control for extra protection against pregnancy. Good luck!

  17. Did you wear a condemn??Is she on the Pill??

    If not,then there may be a chance.The bleeding could just be breakthrough bleeding,which is what every woman gets once when she is pregnant.Take a pregnancy test.If it comes out negative but you still may think she's pregnant.....go to a doctor and take a bloof test.Sometimes urine tests are wrong :/

  18. congrats for being a father.

  19. Well... if she had her PERIOD.. she shouldn't be pregnant cos the bloody lining in the uterus have shedded meaning she's in no condition to bear a baby. But.... anything's possible.

    Get her checked if yr so scared

  20. If she had her period then no, you need to know if it was spotting or if it was a full on period. If it was spotting then it could be because spotting can occur from the egg implantation. And even though she threw up that doesn't mean she is prego. She could of just gotten the flu or some virus. Good luck if she is Prego, Babies bring some much joy to the world, after they are born they seem to just bring peace.

    Hope i helped

  21. I am a CCMA

    She is NOT pregnant... She has a period and it lasted 5 days so there is no chance that she is pregnant...She probably has a bug

  22. lol, not a chance, on the other hand

    Some women bleed thoughout their pregnancy. Maybe she should have a doctor test her blood. In any event he can explain why she is throwing up.

  23. No.

    There's no way.

    She wouldn't have had her period if she was pregnant.

    But just to be double sure..get her a pregnancy test.

  24. It means nothing. But i could be.

    If you didn't use condom the possibilities are higher.

  25. it's possible just ask her for yourself, be brave you can do it. girls like it when your strait with them. then you can work it out together.    GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!

  26. I dont think your gf is pregnant, however some women have their periods while pregnant the chances are really low. Stop freaking yourself out, your gf is not pregnant

  27. No, she had her period...

    If she is throwing up, maybe she is sick...

  28. Yea...... get ready to be a daddy! and if she throws up for two more months and the test says shes pregnant then hello goodbye boyfriends and hello DADDY!

  29. no she is either sick or she wants you to think she is and she is playing games make her get a test

  30. i don't think so, i mean she had her period, but it might be to early to tell.

  31. did you go UHH UNHH UNHH , ERHH UNHH EEEEK GRRR with her? well then yeah theres a good possibility.

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