
I think my goldfish is about to lay eggs!?

by  |  earlier

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So I've been trying to do research on this and I pretty much just get the same thing over and over and am looking to just find info on my situation. My fish (that used to have a lump on its side) is now in a gap under a rock and has been there for a little while. Now according to other sites, breeding time is early summer or spring. I guess what I'm trying to figure out is what I should look for to know if its even worth seperating my fish so the eggs don't get eaten. If they are going to be dead eggs, its pointless to even try saving them. If anyone can please help me I would appreciate it. Thanx.




  1. dont get too excited. the eggs will most likely be consumed almost instantly upon release. not to mention, what would you do with all those goldfish?

  2. Goldfish lays eggs when they are matured enough, to lay thier eggs a goldfish should be fully grown of about 12-14 inches. From thier the goldfish will mature and be ready to mate. So if ur goldfish is that big it can mate. Some goldfish are males and u r not sure that id ur goldfish is a male or a female. It is very difficult to s*x a goldfish, but it can be only in breeding time. The male goldfish devolop white pimples in its gills and start to chase the females if they are in the tank. And the females dont devolop this spots. So after that the females will lay eggs immediatly and the males will fertilize them and that way a goldfish lays eggs. And i think that ur goldfish isnt ready to mate. Normally goldfish mate in summer or spring in nature and wild, but in aquariums or captivity they mate when they are mature at any season.

    PS: If u r confident that ur goldfish will definately mate then have it ur way, try to be present when ur goldfish will mate. For more information visit the website u can find many information of breeding goldfish.

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