
I think my green anole is pregnet i need if u know how 2 make a small and simple incubater plz tell me plzzzzz

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plzz help me my green anole is pregnet!!




  1. i know a guy who uses a plastic tupaware container with moss inside and keeps the humidity really high but not soaked, for corn snakes

    or theres this idea

  2. To prevent injury to the egg, either by the female digging to bury another one or by you as you service the terrarium, the eggs should be removed and set carefully in a mixture of damp sterile vermiculite (1:1 mix, or one part water to 12-14 parts vermiculite) or sand, in a covered container, and incubated at 82-85 F, checked weekly to assure the substrate remains damp and that none of the eggs has molded. Provide gentle, not direct heat, to keep the container at 84-86 F (29-30 C); eggs should hatch in 35-40 days.

    Hatchlings are 1.25" svl, about 2-2.5" stl, and are considered mature at 4-5" stl. They eat voraciously, and must be supplied with lots of pinheads that have been properly gut-loaded and shaken in a calcium and multivitamin supplement before being fed out. Fruit fly larva and wingless fruit flies are also good foods for hatchlings.

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