
I think my hamster could have a tumor... HELP.?

by  |  earlier

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first my hamster had conjunctivitis and anupper respritory infection.

now his nose is about the size of a marble.

he's still acting completely normal, eating, drinking, etc. etc... his nose is just really starting to freak me out a little bit...

please offer any suggestions you might have.

this is a link to a picture of him a little while ago:




  1. take it to the vet and get antibotics my brothers hamster had a tumor the size of a golfball and she died beacuse it busted open when she touched it ive had rats and hampters with tumor that have all died so maybe you will have luck

  2. i was lucky. so was my hamster. she had a huge lump. i went to vet $150 ouch.. 5 mins. well the vet said the that she couldnt determine if it was a tumor.. to operate it would cost 500. we took a chance and went home. the next day it burt....ooz and or puss.. luckily i gave it some amoxicillin for a week.. shes back like new...

    good luck

  3. Take him to the vet ASAP!!!!

  4. omg take him to the vet!

  5. Tumors are very common in hamsters and thats how one of my billions of hamsters died. But dont worry hamsters offen live to a good age of about 2-3 if they dont have a tumor and if they do they would live to about11/2 -2 so good luck. but if you do get worried go to the vet for pocketpets (small animals) or bring him/her to a pet store.

  6. I got a hamster from PetSmart about a year ago and she was a pretty large sized hamster when i got her. She was fluffy and brown and white.  A few days after I got her I noticed that her right eye looked like it was POPPING out of her head.  It was buldgey and huge!!! It was about twice the size it was the day before, so I took her to PetSmart and they told me that they would have their vet look at her and call me back.  i never got a call back, I think they euthenized my hamster :[  I would call your vet and describe his symptoms and ask them what you should do.

    btw... the link doesn't work

    I hope this helps you and your little guy out!!

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