
I think my hamsters evil..or hates me alot.

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I got my hamster ( a long-haired female) about 2 months ago and the day I brought her home she was very aggressive. I had already known that I was suppose to leave her alone and let her get used to the new enviorment and blah blah. I put a few pieces from my old shirt in there and let her try and get used to it, then let her be for a few days. That turned into a week, So now when she finally got used to it, I would occasionally stick my finger up to the cage (after i washed it) and let her sniff it and she seemed very familiar with the scent. So once I tried to hold her that day she will sit in my hand for less then a second and start to bite continously, or everytime i stick my hand in the cage to change her water or food, she charges for it. So any advice? I really wanna hold her without being ......killed.




  1. lol......she doesn't hate you!!!! here's what u need to do....

    1.put your hand in the cage w/ a treat (sunflower seed) and lay it flat on the cage floor

    2. make sure not to show you're scared!!!

    3. wait for her to get the treat but keep your hand there until she's done eating

    4. repeat this process for about 30-45 min

    5. the next day you put your hand in the cage put a treat on it again and try to pick it up her and talk to her at the same time

    this might take some time and getting used to but i promise you that it will work!!! ive done it myself!! lol

  2. This is what i would do, in this order if the former doesn't work

    1) Ask a professional, or someone at Petco or vets

    2)Take her to the vet...get her some downers

    3)Bark at her

    4)Sell her

    5)Give her away

    6)Set her free

    7)Take her to church

    Hamsters aren't social creatures, ... but she's just rude

  3. We had hamsters once (teddy bear) and they were not the friendliest pets we have ever had. Also, animals are like people. They have different personalities. Some are just plain friendlier than others. If you have had yours for two months and she still will not let you hold her, I think you might have picked the wrong pet. My best advice is just to stop trying to hold her for a while. Maybe if you continue to give her treats and put your hand in the cage carefully, she will warm up to you.

    Here's a site with some info about different hamster breeds. Don't know if it will help with your specific problem but it is worth a try.

  4. She doesn't hate you, she just needs to be tamed... put your hand in the cage with some hamster treats, and wait for her to hop on. When she does, keep your hand still so she can hop out if she wants to. Keep doing this until she starts staying on longer. Then try to lift her out of the cage and see how she reacts. If she bites, put her back and keep trying until she's comfortable around you!

  5. Hamsters do not plot about when and where they can attack you. If your hamster bites, it is because your hamster is upset or stressed out. Remember, hamsters are prey species. This means they think that when any big creature is trying to touch them, it's trying to eat them. This is when they will bite in order to escape.

    Things to help you not annoy or frighten your hamster into biting you include:

    Never bothering your hamster when he or she is sleeping. Hamsters are understandably very cranky if they are abruptly woken up.

    Don't handle your hamster in the day, unless there's an emergency. Hamsters are nocturnal and want to sleep all day.

    Wash your hands before handling your hamster, else your fingers might smell like food and be inadvertently mistaken for food.

    Try not to swoop down on your hamster from above like a bird of prey. Try to avoid picking up your hamster from above and behind him or her.

    Good Luck =]

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