
I think my husband has a yeast infection....

by  |  earlier

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I avea yeast infection and this morning he woke up with itching and redness on his um...s*****m area. he also said the skin is peeling like. So if this is a yeast infection what can we do to get rid of it besides going to the doctor if there is an option. I went to the doctor for me and they said i did have one so I was just wondering what to do since it is a sunday and no doctors are in.




  1. Yogurt. Put it on his p***s too.

    Eat at least 1 container (the more the better) of plain vanilla yogurt with active cultures. Check out vitamin stores (i.e. GMC) for Yeast Defense - you take 2-3 pills a vitamins/pills a day.


    tell him to wash it with vinegar and water. The ph in vinegar helps us women it kills the germs. also tell him to apply some monistat if that is available.

    He needs to take an oral antibiotic and both of you need to be rechecked to make sure you are both in the clear or it will just keep going back and forth. Good luck.

  2. Hi there,

    It could be a jock itch as well, the symptoms of which are very similar to a yeast infection just involving a different organism.

    There are many things you need to start doing and addressing if you are suffering from a yeast infection. To start, do the following:

    1. Wear loose clothing and undergarments, oxygen kills yeast, going commando and wearing nothing down there if possible is even better.

    2. Get some unsweetened yogurt and apply it to the area, better than this go out and find some unsweetened Kefir, similar to yogurt but with more beneficial bacteria. As well have him take a probiotic with atleast 50 billion live cells per pill.

    3. Cut out any and all sugar, alcohol and yeast from your diet. All three will promote the infection further.

    4. Start drinking cranberry juice, pure not from concentrate with no added sugar, I know this goes against the no sugar thing but the acid content in the cranberries will alter the PH balance of your v****a and cause the yeast to die off.

    5. If you can tolerate it, use a raw garlic clove and apply it to the infection, this may burn so dilute it with some olive or coconut oil, both of which can also help eliminate the yeast, especially the coconut.

    6. Lastly if all else fails, begin adding 2 cups of apple cider vinegar to a bath. Only fill the tub up high enough to submerge your genital area. Stay in the tub for 20-30 minutes at a time.

    Hope this helps, the yogurt is the key really, by putting good bacteria directly on the area you will eliminate it quickly. Make sure it is unsweetened and ideally keep an eye out for a variation called Kefir which has even more beneficial bacteria in it to snuff out the infection.

    When all is said and done I would suggest you research Candida and take a test to determine if you are suffering from it, as anyone who gets yeast infections has Candida, it's just a matter of how bad it is.

  3. you and him can use monistat 3 or 7 but dont have intercourse while treating your yeast infection. and if after you did the full treatment it hasnt gone away go see the doctor.

  4. I think it is possible for yeast infections to damage his fertility.. you dont want to let it just get better on its own.

  5. In the hot summer weather, it is not surprising that both of you have rashes. Fungal infections thrive where it is hot, moist and where there is little air circulating...hence its propensity for crevices and creases.The more you scrub with antibacterial soaps the more you take away the one thing that keeps fungi under control. Fungi are meant to be on your body but  not to take it over as their domain.

    Get your spouse to use a non-soap, non-bacterial cleanser. Make sure he wears loose boxers type underwear. Apply moisture absorbing powder several times a day....a good choice is corn starch from the kitchen. Monistat cream will clear the yeast but it adds moisture so keep putting powder on after the cream.

    Most over the counter anti-fungal anti-yeast creams work but most people do not use them long enough in hot weather. They also assume that if they are yeasty they are ain't so! Using a fan on the 'designated area" when around the house and wearing very little clothing in private(no pun intended) situations is a good idea too.If the itching is driving him bananas right now, cold water and baking soda mixed to a thick paste,applied to the s*****m and allowed to dry is very soothing and is cheap.

    Maybe he will see the doctor once he discovers that lots of other guys get this. He didn't catch it but he should catch h**l from you for being so obstinate. This is a MAN thing and does not reap benefits in the long run.No wonder guys don't live as long as gals

  6. He may not need a doctor.  If he's infected, he can be treated externally with over the counter products.  If you're infected, so is he, so he doesn't need a diagnosis.  He should bathe at least daily, washing carefully as well.

    On the other hand, if he's peeling, he needs a doctor.  Doesn't it drive him bananas?  If i were peeling, i'd be at emergency so fast it'd make your head spin, and i wouldn't even stop for traffic lights.

  7. Well if you had one and you two had s*x he could have gotten it from that. I would tell him to go to a doctor. I don't think there are any good over the counter remades. You can always ask a pharmacist.


  8. you can wash the area with betadine and afterward apply an over the counter antifungal cream for jock itch

  9. Yeah, get into a doc soon.  Or check with a pharmacist in the meanwhile...mention that you have been to the doc.

    Make sure it's a yeast infection.  there could be other stuff going on, especially in the hot summer, with jock itch, etc.  

    If he has it, he'll quickly be hammering on a doctor's door!

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