
I think my husband loves his girlfriends more than he loves me ?

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they are kind sweet ladies but he spends more time with them.of course he has known them longer. but i just stay home and bake while he's out.I'm more of home body not wild crazy drinking party animals like them.

only been married a month how do i get rid of them.

any thoughts?




  1. Girlfriends? Sweet ladies? hum? Known them longer so that makes it ok that your sitting at home? Hum?

  2. Maybe you should go out with your husband whenever he goes and hangs out with his lady friends. Or invite them to come over to the house, rather then them all go out.

    You could also disuss with your husband that it makes you feel uncomfortable or anything like that.

  3. Betty sweetie you need a girls night out...

  4. It is just that U R allowing him to see his gf and u stay at home. It is time to be married now and not one of the "girls"

  5. He had them when you married him.  Plus, he only sees them at their best.  They dont nag him, they don't complain, they don't point out all his faults.  They don't do all the things that wives do that men hate.

  6. Listen your friend LuLu is my BFF and she and I get together and have parties.

    I don't even know who Kev is??

    Does LuLu???

  7. Girlfriends?  Why the h**l does he have girlfriends?  Tell him to get rid of the girlfriends or you'll be getting rid of him.  He shouldn't have girlfriends in the first place, but if your going to allow that, then you should at least demand that he spend most of his time at home with you where he belongs!

  8. Why does your husband have girlfriends?

  9. you're husband is a time served loser, tell

    sticko to stay clear of the ugly farm,

    what you need is a real man, you know where

    i am if and when you need me :)

  10. You need to jerk his chain and remind him that he married you and in that choosing he chose to stop his drinking and playing with his girlfriends.

  11. If you love this man you need to be at his side no matter if it your thing or not so get out there and stop being boring

  12. Why get rid of them, seriously, you think it's going to do any good for your relationship?  Ok i am assuming that he is not sleeping with them.  But really if you drive off his friends, then he will end up resenting you for it.

    Of course if they are girlfriends that are more then just friends he's going to keep them around anyways, after all girlfriends dont have high expectations of you yet, so they still smile and laugh at all of your jokes it's all good times.  Top it off they rarely nag at you.

  13. First of there has to be a reason why he is going to these women. Is it because you have let yourself go? Dont pay much attention to him? Not pleasing him sexual wise? Thats something you have to discuss with your husband.When you come to a certain age the parties and clubbing has to stop when your going into a marriage.It seems like he may need to grow up hes partying days should have been over already.Your his wife and he need t have mroe respect for your feelings.he should not be out with these girls.Its ridiculous and very immature.HE NEEDS TO GROW UP!! You need to talk to him about this and tell him that you dont feel loed my him anymore tell him how you feel.Good luck

  14. Talk to your husband about how you feel,and ask him if he would compromise and only go out with his friends only a couple times a month or whatever works for the two of you.Keep the lines of  honest communication open,and use the art of compromise and your marriage should be fine,consider going out with them sometimes,it might be fun.

  15. Give him an ultimatum; me or them.  Just be ready to back it up.  By the way, is this a big surprise or was he doing this before you got married?

  16. Is this a joke ? It would almost have to be because I really can't see any woman sharing her man with another woman let alone more than one .

    I'm sorry but I just can't see any woman being that stupid or crazy .

  17. tell him, sit down and talk to him

  18. Yeah? Tell him to pack a bag and feck off.

    If he says it's his name on the door,tell him to take th 'kin door with him.

  19. I'm sorry Betty. That Snizz and Lulu are too naughty, they always get me into trouble with you.

    You could put some 'special ingredients' into your cakes and give them some.

  20. You could be right.....  :)

  21. You need to step up to the challenge.  You can't let those young crazy hotties win.  Try dressing up really nice and doing your hair and make up better.  Wear s**y outfits around the house while you're cleaning and cooking.  Maybe get a part time job and just give him the cash.  Back massage and blow jobs.

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