
I think my kid is huffing spray paint.. what are the side effects?

by Guest21233  |  earlier

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all i have noticed is that she has droped weight because she needs new clothes. but then i thought about it and some of her clothes had paint stains. she has lost about 20 lbs. is that connected to "huffing" maybe?




  1. Permanant brain damage and much is this article:

    Hope your kid kicks the bad habit.

  2. acting stupider loss of brain cell or distant

  3. probably

  4. by doing so you damage your lungs and you have major grey mater loss (brain cells) if continued the results WILL be fatal.

  5. well if your kid is huffing it can kill over time because there huffing fumes and i lookd it up for you and here is a site i found for you i think it shuld help you with this prob

  6. shes either like anerexitic, or yes maybe shes huffing paint. i read about that and u can forget stuff (like wat ur saying and memories), and she may become violent and angry towards people.

  7. maybe just ask if i was her i would be like mom im huffin on paint and u cant stop me... i told my mom that i was drinking and huffin on sharpies and expos and i told her that she cant stop me... i dont care what she thinks about it!!! so maybe she will be a lil b!%*h like me... ps i am 13!!!LOL

  8. yeah prob.

    she needs help...

  9. i cant find any evidence that huffing causes weight loss. cigarettes, on the other hand, could be the explanation depending on the time period we're talking about. either way, it would be very good parenting to discuss the dangers of inhalant abuse with your daughter. even if it is embarrassing for you, it might save her life, this type of abuse is terribly dangerous.

  10. Warning signs include:

    apparent drunkenness

    chemical odors from breath, clothing or child's room

    clothes soaked with chemicals

    hidden empty spray paint or solvent containers

    hidden rags soaked with chemicals

    irritability, social withdrawal and depression

    loss of appetite

    nausea and vomiting

    paint stains on the hands, face and clothes

    red or runny nose

    She's probably lost her appetite, that's why she's losing weight. You should talk to her.  Good Luck!

    sores and rashes around the mouth and nose.

  11. Um, huffing can cause DEATH, you know.

    Duh, get your kid some treatment before he dies.

  12. from your other aswers you are a kid who really has the issue?

  13. yes this could be 1 of the signs but have you noticed any change in behaviour or mood swings periods of depression or anger, red watery eyes, nasal congestion etc you need to keep a serious inconspicuous eye on her how are her grades in school and what do you think of her friends are they the 'type' to be doing this. This is a serious problem and you need to get a hold on the situation asap.  Good luck and I hope you are mistaken for the sake of all. If you suspect her of 1 drug maybe you should look into others Speed is notorious for weight loss.

  14. brain damage!

  15. well if you think your kid is huffing and all you find is paint,,,, then maybe it's paint.... not trying to get smart with you but, the side effects can cause brain damage, which i think you knew that, it can cause blindness, it could damage the  lungs. look it up. go google sniffing paint and see what you get. read the information and go from there. you can google anything and it'll give you all types of things to read. look, you already got one sign from your kid.......she/he loosing weight. good luck.....

  16. side affects....death

    Talk to her, if she yells at you or something don't be afraid to be firm or get tough,If she is tell her what can happen, yes she might be mad and see i hate you but, your doing for your Kid

  17. The effects of recreational solvent inhalation can range from an alcohol-like intoxication and euphoria to hallucinations. The use of inhalants can cause injuries and, in some cases can lead to death. Nonmedical inhalant use is restricted and even criminalized in some jurisdictions, often by forbidding the sale of commonly-used products, such as contact cement, to minors. However, since solvents and aerosol propellants are used in a wide variety of household products, these restrictions have only a limited effect. In the short term, many users experience headache, nausea and vomiting, slurred speech, loss of motor coordination, and wheezing. A characteristic "glue sniffer's rash" around the nose and mouth is sometimes seen after prolonged use. An odor of paint or solvents on clothes, skin, and breath is sometimes a sign of inhalant abuse, and paint or solvent residues can sometimes emerge in sweat

  18. Quite possibly and most likely.

    Do you notice her seeming a little spacey as well?

    Huffing is SERIOUS!  It kills brain cells that will never grow back and over time destroys your nervous system as well.

    The weight loss is most likely the result of other drugs she is using as well.  

    Huffing can cause a loss of appetite but 20 pds is a bit much simply from that, its more likely meth, coke or even heroin if shes loosing that much weight.

  19. huffing wont make you lose weight. but the side effects are headaches, shortness of breath, paint stains around mouth and hands, loss of sleep, your breath smells like aresol, and you seem distant. my suggestion to all parents of teens when it comes to dealing with drugs. is dont try to stop them directly or at least get them off the illegal stuff. i would give them this stuff called salvia devornium extract. it is a  legal substance that has an effect that is a cross between pot and acid. trust me that any teen would be happy with this.

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