So, I dont know what to do anymore...Im so confused. My husband and I arent fighting or anything like that, but Im just so bored with everything, and I dont feel the same way as I used to feel about him. I feel like such a bad wife because I dont do the things I should be doing. Like, I dont do dishes or laundry as much as I should. I used to make my husbands lunch for work and iron his uniform with no problems, but I just cant stand it anymore. Im not attracted to him anymore, and he just annoys me. I dont feel like he gives a c**p about me anymore etither. He is getting ready to be deployed soon, and Im going back to stay with my parents because I hate staying alone, and all he is worried about is getting an expensive ipod, and I need to save money to drive 2000 miles, and my parents want him to come and get me when he gets back because he has two weeks of free leave, and he said he cant leave out of the region, so he is not going to come get me. I just feel like he is my husband so he should be more worried about that type of thing? I dont know....I also get upset because he talks about going to school, and doing all this stuff, but he dosnt do it! I just dont know what to do anymore?