
I think my parents are rude and not appreciative?

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i took it as a self job to clean up the whole house before my parents get home, i even clean thier room. but they dont appriciate it, they just go and drop papers all over the place and act like pigs, thier room didnt stay clean for 2 whole days.

my dad was trying to find his nametag for work, and he said that he knew i messed with it because he always buts it on the piano. ok, no one puts anything on the piano because that is really tacky and it doesnt look good.

and i was searching through drawers and stuff to try and find it and i eventually did, and he said, i knew you put it in there, and you should be thankful that im changing or i would have slapped you.

and i refuse to clean up anything anymore. he thinks he can just threaten people and get want he wants, just that morninghe was swearing at my mom because she asked him to help her move somthing.

i need some advice, or somthing witty to say to make them feel as bad as i feel. i clean up for almost 2 hours a day!




  1. Theres no such thing as having respect for your parents if they have no respect for you, how dare he say he would slap you after you cleaned for them.  You should use your phone or something to record whenever he threatens you and put all the threats together, and when it gets out of hand you should play it back in front of your whole familyto shame him, and then he will think twice.  

    I did it, and one time when he went too overboard I called my whole family to tell them what he did, and know he knows that I have no respect for him, since then, when he tries to make a comment, he knows hes gunna get 1000 comments back!  Plus if everyone knows how bad your father is, you will never have to worry that no one would believe you!

  2. i agree i would start cleaning up only your room and what you mess up and not worry about any of the other and when you get the chance move out because you dont need to be in that mess and if he threatens to slap you i would be worried of trying to say something witty to make them feel bad just remember that

  3. They will never feel bad. They are extremely immature and selfish. I'm sorry that you have to live with them. It will be great when you have your own place and can keep it neat.

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