
I think my parents went behind my back and got a divorce?

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my parents randomly sent me to 3 different relatives this past week and i heard them talking about divorces and my grandmother even said that some people get divorces and never even split up so u dont have to worry to me!!! well i need a website or something that can tell me if they really did go behind my back and get a divorce,but the problem is that neiither of them can work so they cant get their owwn houses and i think thats why they are still living here,they have been getting in huge fights for the past few months so someone help plz!!!!!




  1. Whether they're divorced or not, it sounds like they should be. If they're arguing all the time, you might be better off at one of your relatives homes. In any event, your best answer comes from the horse's mouth. Try asking one of them. Although I don't think this will make your life any better. Good luck!

  2. Divorce is a serious thing and I believe it's something that has to be decided between your parents.  They probably don't want to tell you just yet as, they need to figure things out on there own.

    You need to realize that divorce has nothing to do with you. They love you and always will love you, but your parents also need to be happy with each other.

    It's not healthy for any relationship to always be fighting.  Sometimes, it's best to be seperated and be happier.

    I think when your parents decide and if they decide to file for divorce. You need to be supportive of there decision.  You want them to be happy.  It's there life. When you get older, you'll have a life of your own. Away from your parents.  

    You need to be sad that the marriage ended, but tell them you still love them very much.


  4. Divorce happens, it is their marriage. They will tell you in their own time.

  5. Go to the clerk of the Family Court in your jurisdiction and look up yur last name to see if nay new or past records exist. This is a starting point. The dissolution of marriage is a public record, however, the details are usually not.

  6. Have you tried just asking them?  Sometimes, outright asking what's on your mind gets rid of a lot of wasted worry, concer, curiosity..whatever. They probably won't lie to you.

  7. you will always b there son....they r adults & can do as they see fit,the same  way u will do things in the future as u see fit.this is part of life

  8. Your parents are probably splitting up. Just know it is not about you, it is about them.

  9. Sorry, it is none of your business if they got divorced.  They are adults and have a right to privacy.  You are a kid.  They don't have to tell you anything.  Have you considered picking up the phone and calling and asking them?  That might be too easy.  

  10. what do you mean "went behind your back" its not YOUR marriage, its their's. and sorry to blunt but you don't need a website to be snooping in on their business. just accept it and support them. thats all you can do.

  11. Why don't you ask them?

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