
I think my pet mouse has an ear infection. Help?

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My pet mouse's ear is all inflamed and seems to be bleeding?

Its got this weird crusty brownish stuff too. She keeps scratching it. Her fur has also got what looks like dandruff.

I'm worried.




  1. omg give him ear drops

  2. yes, the vet.  unfortuately these little mice need to be treated fast!!

  3. Yep thoswe are all the symptoms of an ear infection. If the mouse is circling around or has its head tilted to the side then it has an ear infection and you need to take it to a vet.


  4. Take the mouse to the vet.

  5. My mouse got an ear infection about 6 months ago, and started walking in circles for about three days. After that she seemed fine, before she began bleeding from her ear a few weeks later.

    She immediatly started scratching her ears and neck, so we took her to the vet. He gave us baytril, and a £45 bill. After using the baytril for six weeks, there was no difference.

    Its scratched area has moved out towardds her cheast, and I'm hoping it just leaves soon.

    You could try Cod liver oil, as I am now doing.

    Also changing the bedding seemed to help slightly.

    She now looks quite thin, so I give her a little milk every few days, which she loves.

    Make sure she is on a diet especially for mice, I only learnt recently that hamster food is too fatty for mice, and this can cause food intolerinces which can lead to scratching.

    So basically, the right thing to do would take it to the vet, but I found this helped nothing. I try to keep the mouse as happy and comfortable as possible, as it seems to be in little pain.

    If you feel it is in extreme pain, the best thing to do is get it put down - humainly.

    GOOD LUCK!!!

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