
I think my pigeons hurt plz help i love her!!!?

by  |  earlier

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i dont know if my pigeon is hurt my my sister and i got this one pigeon and it flew up and hit the fan and hit the couch. she seems tromotized. but how do i tell if it's ok? i love her her!!




  1. look into the eyes of your bird, if their wide open, wait a few hours and she how she does. it could have just been a one time thing, my bird flew into the mirror a couple times.

    if it looked serious, take her to a vet.

    but remember its a pigeon, they get sick easily and are garbage animals, no offence i know you love it and i love all animals but remember where it comes from and dont get too upset because life moves on.

    but yes, take it to a vet.

    also, make it hot in your house and queit, that way she can heal in peace and queit.

    best of luck!!!

  2. i have to be honest and say our house is like a call centre for injured animals soooo...avian vets right now, they may tell you its only a pigeon and to put it down. insist they dont and that your will pay all fees required. if there are no cuts or visable broken bones a vet is still required but most likely your pigeon is shocked an stunned. oh and fans are NEVER a good idea with birds of any nature!

  3. go to a vet. dnt wait to long.

  4. Never have ceiling fans on with any bird that is out. Look her over for injuries. Eyes ok? Cuts? She may be just in shock as they often see ceiling fans as a predator. Remember pigeons are prey animals for many other animals the main one being a big hawk. All my birds are afraid of ceiling fans. Make sure her wings are not broken. No bleeding. I would keep in a quite dim lit room. Let her get her bearings back. Then try to feed and give water. If she is still not acting right in a few hours I would call vet that sees wildlife or a rehabber and explain and see what they instruct you to do. I also have a pigeon that is a wonderful pet along with many other birds. Good luck. And remember with birds in house all fans off, no teflon pans, (If overheated can kill in seconds), No aeresol sprays, No scented candles in immediate areas.  

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