
I think my puppy hates my gf, what do i do?

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some time ago this puppy started showing up at my yard

sleeping in my front/back yard every night at first i was like it will go away, but it didn't then the rain came and it was kinda sad to see it out in the rain alone i decide to take her in

later my gf came back from visiting her family in mexico

and she was excited to see i had a puppy

but since the moment my gf walked in the door my puppy hasn't stop

barking at her

one time my puppy finally fell alseep

my gf & i were sitting in the couch i lean in to kiss her

when my puppy came out of no where jump on my lap started l*****g my face then turn to face my gf and started barking

we dont want to get rid of her

how do we teach her some manners?




  1. your puppy is jealous lol. try letting your gf feed your dog some treats to show to her that ur gf is not a bad person  

  2. She just thinks that your girlfriend is a stranger, and she may be weary of strangers. Whenever your girlfriend comes over, give her a treat to give to your dog. That should warm the dog up to her.

  3. Your girl friend will have to bond with the pup. Have her feed the dog some treats, play with it, take it for a walk. I hope you are keeping the dog.

  4. Make the dog watch you and your girlfriend have s*x.

  5. Every time she starts barking at her or l*****g to break you up you need to put her down on the floor and ignore her.  Don't even look at her.  If she doesn't clam down try putting her in the next room and shutting the door until she clams down and then let her back in.  It may take 15 to 30 min. but eventually she will associate her bad behavior with having to leave and will stop.  Make sure as soon as she starts the behavior that you remove her.

  6. If she starts barking, tell her no. It's all about being leader of the pack. Your girlfriend needs to assert herself more.

    If your puppy doesn't listen, put her outside or confine her into a different room until she calms down. DON'T LET UP! You need to show her you mean business. When she goes to your girlfriend and isn't being aggressive, reward her. Give her treats and attention. Let your girlfriend give her treats and attention with you.

    If the problem persists, consult a dog trainer. Good luck!

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