
I think my seven year old son may have word blindnesss or something simular, he cannot seem to see the words.?

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what can we do to help him




  1. is is possible that your child has this, my cousin has it and was just recently diagnosed at the age of 15, with therapy and special reading materials he has seen a huge improvement in his daily life.

    just so you know MANY doctors don't believe this is a real disorder but for a family member who has it and has been helped by the treatment it is real so if your doctor or eye doctor seems resistant to the idea, try to find someone in your area who specializes in it.

  2. (1) kids sometimes make things up to avoid having to do something, perhaps he hates reading and so says that he can't see the words? Pick up his favorite toy and ask him to read you the instructions or something like that. (2) He could be short-sighted (3) Prolly best to consult a doctor and find out exactly what's wrong.  

  3. I would have his eyesight checked and have him check for signs of dyslexia.Call your doctor and explain his situation to him.

  4. Maybe he suffers from dyslexia? My uncle suffered from dyslexia for  30 years...people just thought he was stupid until he was properly diagnosed. Here is the wiki info:

  5. You should probably take him to the opticians first and get his eyesight checked out properly. Explain to him like were you're going and why its important to test your eyes regularly.

    Maybe you could also encourage him to read more by getting some interesting comics he might like and read them along with him. Giving him praise for reading well. Also maybe take to a book shop and let him pick some books that he thinks are interesting. Then he'll be excited to look through them with you.

  6. There is a special eye test that you can pay to have done (free in Scotland but  not England) you will have to check where it is available - there is info in the article at

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