
I think my sister has the flu, what should i do?

by  |  earlier

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i had her drink this tea my mom had, put a cld washcloth on her forehead, what else?




  1. You gave her Penicillin huh? I hope a doctor prescribed it for her and you didn't just give it from your personal stash, cuz that wouldn't be a good thing at all, and If it is the flu, it is a viral infection, not bacterial therefore anti-biotics will do nothing but help contribute to the wonderful world of superbugs.

    Keep her hydrated, preferably with non caffeinated beverages as they cause further dehydration. Water, juice, soup broth, gatorade and acetaminophen or ibuprofen for the discomfort.

  2. She needs to drink plenty of fluids, get plenty of rest and some chicken

    noodle soup would probably be really good for her, too.  Plus if she

    doesn't get better you might need to take her to see a doctor.

  3. If it is the full blown flu and not just a cold...................She needs a doctor soon!

    Influenza has many strains

    Typing Influenza into a search engine you get scary results

    But pay close attention

  4. Keep her comfortable, plenty of fluids and rest

    If it really is the "flu" (influenza) then its fairly serious depending on her age.  Someone under 16 or over 50 or having other illnesses should see a doctor.  Otherwise its just wait it out for you body to win the fight.  Make sure to wash your hands alot and not touch stuff she has been around or slobbered on.  

    Most likely she just has a bad cold; to have the flu you will be exhausted, ache all over your body and lethargic, I've had it once and it was WAY worse than any cold.  Treatment for cold is same

    You can give Over the Counter stuff for stuffiness and aches but follow the directions

    Only thing that helps me is REST

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