
I think my snake wants to commit suicide or just run away!!?

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I had my baby ball python for about 1 1/2 months now

Right now im looking at it and it is climbing up the (fake leaves) and the wood always poking its head up on the cage top...but it cant get any farther so once it realizes that it cant get any farther up because the roof is stopping it. It just falls down doesn't like go smoothly down it just falls by itself and tries it again and again and again.

Is this bad?




  1. Haha no my baby ball does the same thing. As babys they are still learing about their world and even how they can move their own body and balance. Put him on a different surface like a countertop and it may freak out when too much of its body goes over the edge, Mine did that but luckily i was there to help him.

  2. No, it is just a natural curiosity of the snake. Most snakes does that. And so far, all of my snakes does that too. It's really nothing.

    Just keep an eye on him just to make sure he doesn't really hurt himself.

    Hope this could help

  3. mine do that alot... especially at night. it's annoying, cause i'm juuuuuust about asleep, and then i hear this sliiiiiiiiiiiiide THUD.

    stupid snakes...

    and my baby balls are together in a 30 gallon tank, which is bigger then they need, with lots of vine things and fake plants and hides and blah blah, and they still just use everything for ladders to escape from. they are just like that.

    it is a good time to handle them, (if you're awake for it) but be careful!! if you handle them for too long, they will poo on you. and trust me, that is NOT endearing...

    be VERY careful that you have an enclosure that has lids that lock into place. if you have a lid that you think is fine cause it's heavy or weighed down, it is NOT ENOUGH. i had my baby balls escape when their lid was weighed down by a 20 pound radiator. if they can escape, they WILL escape.  

  4. lol the joys of owning a ball python! mine did the same(one still does) until i made the viv's interesting for them! don't worry about it! when u see this happening take them out and handle him! good luck and enjoy!

  5. thats so funny, u think ur snake wants to commit suicide? haha calm down i highly doubt thats it. OF COURSE HE WANTS TO GET OUT!! i mean would you like to be kept in a cage all day?

    is the cage big enough for him? because snakes need some space, get some of those lil half logs n stuff, just things to make his home seem a bit more interesting. make sure that the top of his cage is surcure and that he cant get out, because no1 wants a snake slithering around the house.  

  6. if you dont hold it alot and it wants attention it will go as hard as it can to get to some attention so if u r not interacting with it enough u really need to.

  7. lol, well, at least he is falling him self and you didn't do it >.>


    Anyway, it's totally normal that he wants out. I noticed with snakes that don't have a lot going on in the cage get bored, baby snakes are bad like this, and start slithering up to the top to try and get out. What I would suggest is putting some fake plants in there, wood, hiding coves, make it interesting and if he is poking around at the top. TAKE HIM OUT! God if your sitting there watching him trying to get out, he must WANT out so handle him. I noticed when my snake starts getting adventurous and I handle him he is so good about being picked up and just has so much fun poking around and slithering across blankets and  playing with my jewelry after a short time he just tires him self out and falls right to sleep on my arm.

    It makes owning a snake so much more fun when you actually meet their needs and follow their patterns rather then them following yours.  

  8. hahaha  me too shallah.  i have a 2 ball pythons that live in a vision cage.  the cage has a little lip on the top of it over the door.  one of the balls likes to slither up there and usually in the middle of the night we her *THUD*.  if the thud doesn't wake us up our barking daschunds wake us up.

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