
I think my son is a crystal child?

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How do I help him with his gift? What can I expect?




  1. If he's made of crystal, be careful how you handle him.

  2. Well take care of him as any wonderful parent would do and that is to love him,teach him the wonderful things that there is to discover in life <3 and there is no need to help him in his gift he would discover it through his ownself and what you can expect is just for him to be happy whether he is a crystal child or not.

  3. I think that crystal children are only beginning to show up.  They are very rare.  Watch his level of anger and what he gets angry about.  That will determine whether he is crystal or the more common advancement known as an Indigo.  Other than that you have to show the child beautiful things in the world and make sure that he knows what is right and wrong.  When you are dealing with powerful energy levels in humans you have to be careful that they don't fall into things that give instant gratification like drugs and women.  Keep a close eye but don't ever shelter him.  With a solid foundation He will grow to be a shining example of the way human beings should live their lives.  Thats my point of view anyway.

  4. What's a crystal child??

    Does that mean he has powers or something??

  5. Leave it alone. If he has it, you are not qualified to do more that stand by him. Don't tell him that you believe he has a gift, so as to encourage a misconception on his part. If it developes, then look for professional help.

  6. No, your son is a normal child who happens to be very intelligent, learns quickly and is mature past his years.

    Crystal, Indigo and all that other c**p - and indeed c**p it is - are just things to make parents feel special about their children.  well, here's my biggest problem with it - you should feel your child is special without anything else but their existence to define that specialness!

    That, and the so called 'age limit' on this - sorry, but based on the definitions, EVERY member of my family, both sides, for 5 generations and likely further back (but they were dead before i was born) could be considered indigo, crystal or whatever.

    How about teaching him to be responsible, teach him that he's going to have to put up with things in school and do the work even when it is much too easy for him, that he needs to be kind to everyone and not treat them poorly when they don't understand things he easily does.

    Get him involved crafts, arts, music and let him pick his venue - or venues - don't limit him, but also don't sign the poor kid up for every before and after school thing you can. he'll resent it and resent YOU.  let him discover things on hs own.  And don't worry he'll be influenced the wrong way - he's too smart to get into drugs and alcohol, though he may hang out with kids who do as a teen because he finds them vastly amusing (I sure did.) but also because he finds them more accepting of him than other social groups in the school will.

    Good luck and stop trying to define him by some new age claptrap - accept him as he is.

  7. Get him a pet.  One that is acceptably active throughout your house like a dog or cat.  Animals are easy spiritual bonds, and other people can respect that type of bond.  He will be able to share with other children his joy with his pet, a segway, sort of.  The pet in turn, will be able to communicate with him without the pressure that people sometimes unknowingly place on children.

    Develop your own "center" through meditation. If you are centered and calm, he will not receive should emit serenity as much as possible.  If he struggles with sleep, play some meditative music.  Demonstrate your meditative state:  talking soothingly of resting in a nice place: a beach or in a green field..if he sees you take time in the day to acheive this wakeful rest, he may be able to use it to get to sleep, too.  Children definitely get, "Shhh, mommy's sleeping!"  right?  Part of that is in being able to self soothe.  If he sees you do it for yourself, he will take the direction.

    Lots of puzzle solving.

    He may suffer anxiety or frustration, so arm him with other distractions, like reading or music.  This will help him later in life to relax in positive manners, instead of acting out as a bully, or being sullen.  As he gets older, encourage him in sports that are outdoors.  The social acceptance as a boy in sports can help him make up for any social akwardness he might feel.  Hope this helps!


    The first one is great!!

  9. please explain

  10. Listen to him. Don't suppress him. Be open with him and allow him to be open with you. If you start telling him what he sees and hears isn't there, he is going to start closing up. Find a spiritual center near you. Find people who know about this and can help both you and your son. My mother was so fearful of things I would tell her about that I thought something was wrong and she started to make me afraid. I am a Indigo child. Different but the same in many ways. But I don't have the same abilities I had as a child. I think had my mother at ease with it, it would have been easier on me. It runs in families.

  11. you cant be certain. at this point, i dont think their is much you can do. dont exploit him.

  12. I think mothers shouldn't believe in things like this.

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