
I think my son is getting a cold sore...?

by  |  earlier

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his top lip is getting swollen and looks like the beginning of a cold sore. he's only 2, almost 3, and i feel so bad because i don't know what to do for a toddler with a cold sore! i don't want him to be in pain but i know there is nothing i can give him that will make the cold sore go away right now, anything i could do to make it go away faster or at least more comfortable for him?




  1. i mean really they arent that painful if it gets to bad try baby orajel on it

    i'm not sure if he is to young to use abreva check with the doc but that stuff works the best !!

  2. the first time a child gets the herpes virus can be very very rough.. i would take him to the dr and let him give you advice on how to treat nephew got his first one and it even made his gums red and sore..they can cause fever and stuff like that the first time they get one..

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