
I think my soulmate is a demon.?

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I've gone through somethings and i ended up realized that he is a demon. Ive seen demonic signs of him and im very sure. I have a strong spiritual connection with him in which i feel him and know what he's thinking even though he's not with me. What makes me if my soulmate is a devil or a demon. What does it mean.




  1.  I know how it feels, I'm 16 and my soulmate is a Demonic Hybrid. I myself am not normal, I'm a seer, I see things in my dreams. They don't come fully 100% true but they do happen, I dream of people killing each other or people killing me or me killing people. I'm an Angel + Seer of Death because I see things in my dreams. My soulmate admitted that he's a Demonic Hybrid and I've talked to his Demonic spirit before when he is unconscious. These things are not fake, they are real because my soulmate can feel what I'm feeling, if I'm in denial, disbelief or happy, whatever it is that I'm feeling, he feels it too. "Everyone is born an Angel or Demon, a soulmate of a Demon is an Angel and a soulmate of an Angel is Demon, the reason for this is that light and dark balance each other to form equal stability." -quoted by Sesshoumaru

  2. love him for what he is.  if he is a demon you are a demon lover and you must face this fact. agree with his lifestyle aND USE it to both of your advantage.  demons can be cool in this american life and everyone has a role to play.  play yours to the highest loevel of confidence and whatever and everything will work out

  3. I suspect your soulmate is more likely to be under heavy psychic attack by transdimensionals.  I have been hearing this sort of thing a lot lately.  Its like there is an all out effort by the low frequency beings to destroy soulmate relationships.  I suggest you try and find a shaman who knows how to deal with this stuff on an energy level.  If you are a Christian, you may be able to approach somebody in your church who can help you.

    My heart goes out to you - this can not be easy for you to deal with. Wishing love for you and anybody else going through this. Stay strong.

  4. I would really like to talk to you about this. I'm in a similar situation and I think we might be able to help eachother.

  5. i dont think that this stuff works

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