
I think my wife is an exhibitionist. How can I help her overcome this habit?

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She is always trying to get me to look at her naked body around bedtime. I find this unacceptable behavior for a true lady.




  1. Nothing wrong if a wife wants to flirt with her husband. Be alarmed if she just lies there beside you.

  2. Goodness, I thought you were going to  have some story about her exhibiting her self in some public place or something.  I don't know how long you've been married and if she was never like that before.  It could be that she's trying to get your attention and her way to get affirmation that she is still s**y or still attractive to you.  She's only "exhibiting" to you, and only around bed time.  Do you think she may be dropping some clues there?  

    I don't know what your definition is of a "true lady," but I don't believe a woman showing her body to her husband makes her any less of a lady (unless there are people around her husband!).  Why don't you talk to her about it and tell her that you're uncomfortable about it?  It only takes a single question...

  3. Count your blessings !!!   You have a wife that is not too busy to get frisky with you.  Enjoy it !!

  4. Hmmm, maybe you should think about someone other than yourself, you chauvanistic pig.

  5. Just go with it...  she either wants to express herself sexually or she just likes to be naked.  There is nothing wrong with being naked.  My girlfriend sleeps naked every night and she drives me crazy with her s**y little body.  Women compared to men, in general, just have sexier bodies, femininity is something to be celebrated and you should not shun your wife for it, be happy that she is comfortable around you.

  6. How on earth is that "unacceptable behavior for a lady"?

    Grow up, this is 2008, not 1768.

    Women can do whatever they want. Maybe if you satisfied her she woulden't be doing that.

  7. Appreciate her body, she wants you to! If she didn't want you looking or touching, she'd go to bed fully clothed and would hit you for touching her. Sounds like she wants some attention. Nothing wrong with this kind of behavior between spouses. Now if she was doing this in public, would it be a problem....

  8. s*x is a need and the main bond in marriage.

    So do it!

  9. talk to her. then tell her what you know about  true ladies.

  10. She's probably just trying to get laid. If it's around bedtime she probably wants to mess around.

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