
I think my wife is cheating on me what can i do to find out?

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i wanna know what i can do to find out for sure so i don't over react i saw some text messages that really bothered me but she swears up and down she is not messing around i just need to know for sure.




  1. I all honesty, I can’t say think I would know exactly what to do in such a questionable situation, but I do have some ideas that might help...

    (1)   You could buy and install a secret camera within your house, that way if your wife were to bring a guy over without your knowledge, you have her caught red-handed....

    (2)   You could be extra nice and sensitive with her...(to the EXTREME), and make her feel guilty about the whole thing if she really is cheating on you...

    (3)   You could hire someone to spy upon your wife... (like the other dude said, a P.I.)

    (4)   You could spy upon your wife yourself....

    (5)   Get a friend or famly member to spy upon your wife... (with a camera!)

    Other than this, their’s always hope and prayer...

  2. tell her your going out with friends then follow her with your friends car ... easy one .... each week on the same day ..  

  3. forlorn hope it is os easy to divorce but make shore she may be innocent.

  4. call joey grecko at "cheaters".

  5. stalk her

  6. if you have the gut instinct then that's usually right, try to catch her out say shes been seen, good luck,  

  7. If she uses a computer for ICQ, Messanger i would recommend you to install a keylogger software so you will be able to record all her computer activity.

  8. You could always believe her, but if you can't, or your gut is telling you there's more to it, here's some hints.

    Why not call the number where the other texts originated from, and talk to that person? They may, or may not tell you the truth, but it is a place to start from.

    Another would be to check her mobile bill and see where she's calling to and what sort of time she tends to do so. Any number that turns up often, but is unfamiliar, would be worth checking, or those calls she made when she was supposed to be busy elsewhere.

    Get an itemized home phone account too. Most companies will do that for just a little extra.

    Check the mileage/odometer in her car. If she says she didn't go out that day, and its more than the night before you have proof that she lied. And a rough estimate of how far she traveled too.

    I don't think you should go for any high tech stuff or a private investigator unless or until you have more to go on.  

  9. hire a P.I.

  10. follow her

  11. I would consider using an online detective service. I was amazed to find out the amount of information that can be found on a person using these services. Here's a site that has evaluated several ...

    I am hoping for the best for you, but for your own peace of mind you should certainly find out if she's been cheating. Not knowing will drive you crazy...

    Good Luck!


  12. Go with your gut.

    I did with my girlfriend and you know what......

    She cheated and was dating this other guy.

    Do not be fooled

    Hire a P.I. or have a family member track her.

    Trust me randomness is how you catch a cheater.


  14. she's a woman, she'll be able to hide it better... :D

    if you are paranoid and insecure about your relationship, best to just divorce her and have done with it.. :D

  15. show her that you forgot about the text msg incident. If use a computer at home install a key logger. you can d/l it free.

    I suspect my husband having a relationship and I installed a key logger in  our pc. next day when I check the report, I found he has 4 different email address. frindster, facebook. and he was talking to this girl who's in his messenger telling her what they have done once they met in a hotel room. and describe step by step what he has done to her. he asked her to meet him the same day and have s*x with him again.

    So if you feel there's something wrong, pls go ahead and find out. I don't say that every body's the same. tell her that how you feel exactly. Wish you good luck! hope you won't ended up like me..

  16. The best thing is to hire a detective or ask her friends if they know something but be very discrete and don't even let her friends suspect you know something... And take it easy...

  17. Hire a Private Eye.  Call her at odd hours when she's not expecting your call and ask where she is, what's she doing, you were maybe wanting to do something later on?  (Dinner, movie... think of something.)  If she goes out, look at the car mileage and ask where she's been, and if the mileage doesn't add up, she's lying to you.  If she's been fooling around, she'll have the scent of the man on her when she first comes home.  (Come home early too once in a while, unannounced.)  Keep checking her text.  

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