
I think my work is haunted lol

by Guest60122  |  earlier

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Hey gang! Okay so last week i started my new job at this little pub/restaurant and being a very sensitive person, in a certain part of the pub i felt cold and tingly and "not alone" on this one particular BOILING hot day. I didnt really think too much of it.....

Where i work doing the glasses is right in the way of where staff need to come past to get behind the bar so people are always squeezing past me and saying excuse me so i have to move out of the way/squeeze in alot. Its right by this chainmail type curtain that goes into a little store room where the barrals are kept. The last few days i kept hearing them swing and thinking i saw someone walk past out there, out the corner of my eye so id look properly to see who went in there or followed them in after to ask something if i needed/have a chat lol and when i got in there, no one was there!

Someone keeps pushing past me behind me also so i keep saying out loud "ooh sorry!" cause im in the way yet again and when i say that and look up to see who it is, theres no one there lol Usually the other staff will say excuse me also so i hear them behind me before i see them, so i know theyre coming and to move! I was telling my friend who works there about this today and there was a big smash on the floor behind me, when i looked round there was a health and safety certificate in a frame behind me broken which had come from the opposite side of the wall. Is this spirit having a joke with me? Making his/her presence known to me because it knows i know its there and sort of ignore it and get on with my job? Or did it want to hurt me? Its not a negative presence/feeling i get (ive experienced negative engergies in other properties and its deff nothing nasty like that!) Im fine with it LOL Thanks!




  1. With Joe's theory, that is possible if you do that when the pub is closed. Also, try to see if you can catch the spirit on tape, like on a camera or a tape recorded. If you feel a cold spot in the room, snap a picture there  and see if you've caught anything, and the tape recorder should pick up sounds that humans can't hear. Hope this helps, and good luck!

  2. I am clairvoyant and I know there is something you CAN do and that is to research the history of the pub in which you are working. Do you know what? You are going to find that you are right on the money, and that this is a real item you are dealing with. Many bars and pubs are actually quite ancient, and as you look into the history of them, you find many of the things you have been experiencing have a basis in reality. You can trace the phenomena back their origins and not feel quite to foolish when you respond to real vibrations and activities of unseen presences.

    You will find the place where you are working had a former name and owners. This will take you on an involved adventure and it will definitely shed some light on what you have been picking up while you have been working there.

    I have been "seeing" the bar while I have been writing this and it is dark, indeed. That is partly atmosphere, but there is also some dark energy there too, as the history will show you when you check into it. A couple of incidents stand out and I see two men involved with a third. It was not a gentle event, for darned sure. There are stringers and a couple of left over intentions, and what you have been experiencing is a real thing, I mean it is really happening, it is not your imagination playing tricks on you.  

  3. hmm

    I've heard that spirits basically feed on your fear

    if they sense fear

    they feed off of it


    don't show fear

    ignore it

  4. just sit and wait for now. it seems pretty harmless at this point. it ALSO sound like it may become a threat. also, see what you can learn about the pub and that plot of land in general. that should give you a clue if it's harmless or it's a demonic entity. finding out you're on some sort of burial ground is a HUGE clue depending on what kind of burial ground.

  5. Q. I think my house is haunted, for real. What should I do?

    A. First, you eliminate the natural explanations. Is anyone in the house on drugs? Seriously, are they? I've known quite a few pot smokers who had a "ghost" in their house. Stop taking drugs, and the ghosts will go away.  Does the ghost only seem to bother certain people? A child who wants attetion? An elderly person in the first stages of alzheimers? Is there a source of running water nearby? A noisy aquarium pump turned out to be the "ghost" in one house I know of.  If the occurences can't be eliminated by natural explanations, then you should call in a minister to bless the house. DO NOT call anyone with an occult or New Age background, because it won't do any good, and will probably make your situation much worse. Coventer's Prison in England had a problem with visitors being attacked by unseen forces in the late 1990's. They called in a spiritualist "minister" (i.e., a medium) to exorcise the place. The medium pronounced the place cleared, but of course it didn't work. He died a few days later, and the occurences were worse than ever. They finally closed the site to visitors, because of the unexplained marks and cuts visitors kept getting! I also know of someone who thought they had ghosts in their home and called in some Wiccans to do a "cleansing ritual". The situation only got worse. Don't get occultists involved. No Wiccans, Voodooists, Santerios, Canduras, "white witches", ceremonial magicians, Rosicrucians, Theosophists, Cabalists, spiritualists, psychics, "spiritual advisors", or anything like that. These people think they know a lot, they'll act like they do, but they don't (I'm not being mean, I'm being honest).

    Get a Christian minister from a Bible believing church (no Mormons, Unitarians, JW's, Unity, or other cults). Chances are there is one close by. If they don't want to handle it for some reason, call someone else. Get out a phone book if you have to. It won't be hard to find someone who can help you.

  6. take a digital camera with you and take loads of pictures without the flash on, then have a look at the pictures, the dark ones enhance the light and see what comes up. i captured some things like that myself.

  7. Ask it to show itself, or make a sign that it's there i.e. 1 rap for yes (when you ask a question).

    Ah right, well, I suppose you could do it with another staff member before going home when the bar is closed. Btw I'm a barman myself :)

    It's obvious what energy Chris sent me, thanks for the thumbs down buddy!

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