
I think our Supreme Court has become spineless, in light of today's decision regarding the Guatanamo detainees

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What are your thoughts on today's decision?




  1. They have committed perjury -- lied under oath.

    All government employees take an oath that they will "support and defend the Constitution of the United States AGAINST ALL ENEMIES, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC."

  2. I think the Court has served as the independent check it's supposed to be against the legislative and executive branches.

  3. The Supreme court did the right thing, because  Bush over extended his authority, we live in a country based on laws, laws that EVEYONE must follow, unless the president does one of two things he has resisted doing for more than four years,: operate the commissions by the rules of regular military courts-martial, or ask Congress for specific permission to proceed differently. He did niether and violated the Geneva Convention rules.

  4. I'll wait until I read the ruling.

    None of the current Supreme Court Justices are ones whom particularly I like and trust, and Justice Kennedy is the one I dislike the most. But I'll *try* to read the opinion with an open mind.

  5. Disgusting, constitutional rights were given to foreigners arrested abroad.  That opens the door for soldiers to be sued by the people they are fighting while they are fighting them.  It endangers our military.

  6. I see you were listening to Hannity rant and rave all day on his radio show.

    Not sure why Bush put the Supreme Court in that position in the first place.  

    The easiest thing to do with most of the Gitmo prisoners would be to ship them off to Afganistan and tell our good ally, President Karzi to make them disappear forever into an Afgani s**+thole prison.  Give Karzi a couple of million to go along with it as well to make sure he stays bought off and there is plenty of security at the prison.

    That would have been the easiest and ultimately cheapest way to deal with the Gitmo gang.

    However, if the US is going to be the beacon of freedom and democracy in the world, then we have little choice to try these in the same standard as any citizen.  Then after they are found guilty, we can get up on a soapbox and proclaim that they received a fair trial, we're found guilty, and now are going to get the death sentence.

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