
I think people who abuse children should be locked away.?

by  |  earlier

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They don't deserve to have rights if they harm Innocent children.




  1. well, there is a law for that, so by the law they are locked away.

  2. The abusers generally are locked away.  So basically you agree with current laws?

  3. Agreed.

    And when they claim temporary insanity, it makes my blood boil. Or that they have a mental illness, GRRR

    I have Bipolar, and in the 10 years of having this mental illness I have never harmed another person, or animal.

    Claiming to have a mental illness and thinking it's ok to harm someone is a JOKE!!

    My eldest son is adopted, and the abuse and neglect he has had to endure is disgusting. His parents are in a REHAB clinic. What a joke.

    They don't need rehab, they need to be locked up and treated how they treated my beautiful son.

  4. Definitely! They make me sick.

  5. if any one abused my child either sexually or wat not id b put away for murder or causing serious injury NO INNOCENT CHILD deserves to b harmed in any way and they cant do any it really affects me because all of a sudden close friends and a few of them at that say they have been physically abused and it breaks my heart. and when i say murder maybe not but i justice wouldnt b served by them going behind bars for a few years i know ppl here in australia that say jail is not as bad as its made out to be. wat abuse a child recieves can cause life long problems such as suicide, depression, anger of destruction, and also do what has had done to them and the pattern goes on. its wrong and im strongly against it

  6. They should be locked up and throw away the key, not be fed, and be beaten until they die.  People like that just make me sick, and I can't believe that people are so cruel like that, they deserve nothing.

  7. agreed.

  8. Yeah, and I don't think many people disagree with you.

    But everyone, even murderers, child abusers, rapists and paedophiles deserve to have rights.  

  9. There isn't enough jail space in all of America.

  10. I agree 100%. And I say that as a person that was vitimized as a child. I was molested by my stepfather from the time I was 3 until I got the courage to stand up for myself and speak out at 18. By then I had 2 children myself by him. One when I was 14 and one when I was 17. And the sad thing is to this day my mother stands by his side and defends him. She says that I came on to him and he did what any man would do that was tempted by a young girl! She may be my birthmother but being a mom takes more than similar DNA. I honestly feel she should be locked away as well. Any mother that can sit there and say that thier 3 year old little girl got what they deserved by being molested is sick herself. And the abuse wasnt just sexual. It was physical, emotional and mental as well. When my second child was 3 weeks old this man put a gun to her head one night because I had refused to go to bed with him. Thats when it hit me that if I didnt go my kids would suffer they way I did. And I dont blame them at all or for any thing. They are the true loves of my life and anyone that tried to hurt my babies will pay dearly.  

  11. you are so right but you know what try and prove it when the child does not think its abuse. its very sad i had a granddaughter who was abused along with the boy that was the woman's son and even calling CPS they didn't' do nothing cause the kids wouldn't tell him can you be live this. the oldest girl admitted it to a girl in her class but not the cps person so oh well. its very sad its like the cps people don't care till something happens and then they are on tv and saying junk and it makes me ill.

  12. I agree with you 100%.

  13. I agree. I know people keep saying that there are laws and that that is what happens but from my own personal experience the law isn't enough. I was abused from the time I was 9 till I was 15 and the person who did it only spent 2 years in prison. Seem fair? I spent 6 years of h**l and he only got 2 years?!?!

  14. I was abused when i was a child, so i personally believe that they should be beat everyday while they serve there sentence.

  15. So do I, except I believe that they should be executed. NOBODY has the right to harm a child!

  16. yes they should.. stupid idiots.. I think anyone who harms anyone should be locked up.. you know.. if they made that a law that states if you harm someone you will be locked for life.. I think the crime rates would go down alot.. dont you agree?

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