
I think reality is awful. Is this normal?

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When I think of the rest of my life, I think "wake up. eat. work. eat. watch t.v. go to bed. wake up. eat. one day I won't wake up" and I feel so trapped. Certain books and movies take me out of this, but when I finish them, I get really sad because I wish that was my reality but know it's not and can't be. I dwell on them for days. I have friends, and a family, and a boyfriend. I'm in school and I work, and i'm not antisocial. I just wish my life was different. I think even if it was though, I would just want something else. I hate routine, safety and order, yet I am the most organized person I know. I never do anything dangerous or against the law. I plan every detail out in my life. Is there something wrong with me? I think a lot, probably too much but I can't stop.

Also, I have mild panic attacks sometimes.




  1. in this world, i do not blame you. we are all in a cycle of reactions to someone elses programing, we are told wht is right and what is wrong. and all of sudden wake up and realise that weve been asleep all along. do what you want to do with your life, whatever you are unhappy about, change. you'll never know if you'll feel the same way unless you try it out.

  2. If something is wrong with you it is wrong with me too.  I have these exact same thoughts and feelings.  I just feel like what are we living for?  To work - make money for the government to take away - have kids - then die?  And it is as though if we try to break this cycle people criticize us because we are "wrong".  I have the panic attacks too, my chest gets tight, heart starts beating fast, feel like I have someone sitting on me because I can't breathe.  It hasn't been as bad lately, but I still have them.  I believe that it isn't anxiety as much as it is depression.  That would explain our thoughts too.  A word of advice - one day in the middle of the week, skip work/school, and go do something out of the ordinary (whether that be shopping in the middle of the day, swimming, running, etc) just do something to get you out of your normal routine.  This should help you - temporarily - but it does help.  I am slowly learning to do things to help myself to cope with day to day life. I wish you the best & hope you get to feeling better,

  3. Most people are like that. The whole "boring repetitive life" thing. But you don't have to be. It's just that most people would rather be safe than happy. Which I think is a pretty crappy trade-off.

    Deciding to backpack through Europe is no more than a solid decision and a few hundred bucks away. Seriously. I did it.

    Why don't you take up a new skill? Join a band (even if all you play is the triangle)? Try penning the next Great American Novel? Become a sky diver? Move to another state... or country... or continent.

    Your life is only as boring and repetitive as you let it be. If you want to accomplish something before you die, YOU are responsible for getting yourself there.

    Time's ticking. What are you going to do?

  4. i think you lack spontaneity.what kind of movies are you watching?comedys,romantic,independent...... inspiration from say you plan your life, so for once maybe you shouldn' something out of the something you've never done before, that you have always wanted to do.get yourself motivated! you have a great social life so take advantage of that-some people arn't always so lucky  

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