
I think red bull gives me dreams at night, is it true?

by  |  earlier

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me and my friend usually drink red bull when we get tired[thats the whole point for red bull] but now that i started to drink it, i get all these CRAZY dreams i never had before! its really rare for me to get dreams but now all of a sudden i get them every night! its so strange.My friend started having CRAZY dreams too. And i drink the sugarfree kind.

any responds??

oh! and just for a favor to make it look like i'm not crazy, i want you guys to try it at home one night and tell me what happens, but dont drink right before bed, a few hours before it.




  1. It is recommended to not have any caffeine within at least 4 hours before going to bed. Red Bulls have caffeine and a few B vitamins, both of which stimulate the mind.

    You usually dream but just don't remember. It is quite possible that the mental stimulants are not only making your dreams more vivid but more memorable by you consciously.

  2. Simply because red bull is a stimulant (caffeine and sugar bomb) and this will make you less likely to sleep deep and hence you will remember your dreams….every night humans have dreams (inlcuding you and I) but we donot remember them unless we wake up in the middle of one of them and this usually happens when  a person is having a bad sleep (i.e. light sleep)….

    So if you want your deep healthy sleep, do not drink this stimulant…you will be less likely to wake up during your dreams….

    Have good dreams tonight!

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