
I think redsox girls(fans of the sox) are the hottest girls in the world?

by  |  earlier

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i think so!




  1. I think every team has a fair share of hot fans, but Sox fans are far hotter than Mets, Phillies, and Orioles fans. (I've been to those 3 parks. No hot fans :( I went to watch the game though, so I lived)

  2. Dude, I get that you love the Red Sox. Honestly, I respect that.

    But....come on. Did this topic really need to be made? It's another pissing contest.

    I've seen beautiful women who root for a variety of teams.

  3. ofcourse ur a bosox fan!

    id say yankee girls are hotter than ur girls....

    and a mets fan would say that they got the best women!

    thats what you call "love ur own"

  4. I know several hot girls who root for the Red Sox, including Gretaliscious.

  5. nooo way bro

    have u seen the domincan yankee girl fans?

  6. no have u seen phillies girls

    they are hot just like the phillies

  7. Dont they have to know somthing about baseball to be concidred a fan

    So that rules out half them

  8. Well thank you. :)  Lmao.

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