
I think russia and georgia war is part of planned unity of iran and russia against Israel

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that the bible said in Ezek 37 38 ect.

ALSO put us in a box, of dont touch iran, because of Russia.

so with all of the chess pieces coming into place

the signpost of rapture (catching away 1st & 2nd Thess chapter 4 and 5 of both books) anyway, pretty amazing see the power of prophecy fullfilled before our eyes, from united europe the rise of the roman empire, israel reborn, now russia and georgia war.

so assiya, jordan need to be change too.

Damacus will be nuked i believed

so amazing to see all of this.

any body in amazement?

if you don't have an agreement, dont waste your time.




  1. well i think u r an idiot

  2. I wasted 2 mins but gained 2 points ;)

  3. yes some bible propechy seems to be coming to pass!its very exciting in a way&scarey though,that its unravelling befor our eyes.we live in dangerous and selfish times.i think the bible talks about the return of the Messiah,when all prophecy is fullfilled,i dont how much more there is to be fulfilled,because things are already bad.ive never said this before,on here,but i wish i had your email,so i could chat to you on msn ,i think about and study these things a lot.i'm assuming you are aware of matthew24?take care lisa

  4. go back to the nut house and turn you computer off.

  5. Bob M, why do you have to dumb-down the things we believe in? If you actually knew about, and/or researched biblical prophecies, you would take this Georgia/Russia conflict into consideration. It's an interesting topic and we (religious people) are doing much more thinking than that of our own government, who is sitting around talking...talking...talking, and doing NOTHING about it.

    EDIT: Just because we take into consideration of this linking to biblical prophecies, does NOT mean that we are uncaring of the innocent people dying,...

    Honestly, I wish something would be done with all of this, and that the fighting would just stop.

  6. Why does every major event have to involve some sort of biblical prophecy. Religious people sure are hung up on people being killed. Maybe if we outlawed religion, more people would live.  It seems strange religious people do not want to hear an opposing view point, to hard for them to admit they could be wrong.

  7. Yes, it is exciting, but also, a grieving comes along with it because so many are not prepared...

  8. You certainly have pretty wild imagination. Go ahead to write a book if you are not daydreaming.

  9. You've not taken your medication today.

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