
I think she might be crazy...?

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My cousin is 20 years old. She wants to meet some people that she plays with on an online gaming community (World of Warcraft), they live all over the country and she intends on traveling there. How do I convince her that this is the most stupid idea she's ever had?

If you can reference stories related to bad things happening to women who meet people over the internet, I'd appreciate it.




  1. Yes bad things can happen but it also could be fine.  There are many, many stories out there where it was fine.  I can give you an example of 2 normal people meeting online... I met my husband 5 years ago, you can check out our story and see for yourself:

    If she is insistent then at least try to convince her to meet them in a very, very public place.  The part that makes this so scary is that she would be travelling to a place that she is not familiar with.  Try to convince her to take a friend with her.  Again, the news isn't ever going to talk about how one normal person met another normal person off the internet.  Exciting news that does not make.  You will only ever hear of the normal person being killed by not normal person and they met online.  All I am saying is that if she is insistent on doing this then there are safer ways to do it.  Don't go alone.  Don't go to an unfamiliar place.  Go someplace public.  But again... there are millions of people out there that are completely normal people meeting other completely normal people face to face that they met online.

    Wanting to meet the people that she interacts with on a daily basis doesn't make her crazy.  It just makes her very trusting - maybe too trusting but that's all it makes her, not crazy, lol.

  2. The list of tragedies following chat room meetings go on and on.

    Make no mistake. The Taylor Behl tragedy is not an isolated occurrence. This type of horror story happens all the time. Here are just a few recent tragedies:

  3. Tell her to get a life move out of her moms basement and stop playing WOW

  4. Methinks she's been brainwashed.

  5. LOLk Tell her that there are more real people to meet nearby than all the way on the East side of the world.

    Just for a reference, a girl decided to meet a guy from the internet (on myspace) when the girl arrived at the airport she met the guy there and guess what, the girl got disgusted! The guy was a f****s he didn't put real picture on his myspace, he put a fake picture.

    The same applies for gamers.

  6. I would say it isn't a good idea.

    If she is interested in meeting them there are normally conventions held all around the country that are great public occasions to go hang out with your gaming friends.  She should look into meeting up with them at these instead of her current plan.

    Look into events like the Austin Gaming Convention or PAX(Penny Arcade Expo).  There are also events held for specific games especially for WOW that they can attend.

    I can tell her this, if they are worth meeting they will come at least half way to meet her in neutral, public place.  If not then they are probably just going to use her or worse.

    As for the whole gaming thing, guess what folks, TV is going the way of the dinosaur and at just about the same speed.  Keep on bashing gamers while we pass you by in the world.  Then enjoy those years of PBS and playing catchup to those of us smart enough to be on the right track in the first place.

  7. How dangerous could a WoW player be? What are they going to do beat her with their asthma inhalers?

    Hey come on babycakes, I'm not a bad guy. Hey, how bout you come over to my apartment and I'll prove it, and don't worry if my apartment looks like an abandoned warehouse.

  8. People get killed like that. End of story.

  9. lol

    i dont even know what to say.

    I think this is the dumbest thing

    i have ever heard of.

    You know people die from that

    kind of stupid stuff.

    Tell her she is an idiot.


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