Sorry this is kinda long, I'm freakin out a lil bit.
Almost three years ago my dad got some serious health/mental problems and ended up in a nursing home. My family and I were told by lawyers that with his outstanding debts and medicaid about to kick in, that the state would basically take his assets. It was a huge ordeal and I spoke with multiple lawyers about finding a way to keep the house (no luck). About a year and a half ago, dad passed away and the meetings with the lawyers started again. I found the will and it said that his assets (along with money that no longer existed) was to be divided among his five children. No one wants anything to do with the will because of all the debt/headaches, and we assumed that the house had already been taken by the state because of the whole medicaid thing.
I drive by the house every couple of days and there has never been any kind of sign for foreclosure, and no one in our family has recieved anything from the state or medicaid having to do with any of this.
Here's the kicker - a few minutes ago, just out of curiosity I checked the property info on the counties website, and it shows that my dad is still the owner and currently owes over two grand in taxes... WTF??? How can someone be taxed AFTER THEY'VE DIED?
On a side note: OMFG. I thought with several lawyer handling this, that it would've been taken care of... Does this mean we could still get the house?