
I think someone stole my

by  |  earlier

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Well i was at a house with some people, and i know them all very well, and i had been chilling out there for a few days.

then yesterday this one kid i didn't know came over.

he has a record for stealing peoples stuff.

i think he took my zune, because now all of a sudden it's gone and i know EXACTLY where i left it.

i asked everyone to empty there pockets and everyone did.but the one kid i think did it refused to empty his back pockets, and i didn't want to go digging in his *** cuz..well..he's fat -_-

lol..anyways..should i just get some people to beat his ***, or do you think the cops will actually do something like search him or w.e?




  1. Cops will do nothing so you know what should be done.

  2. What the h**l is a zune?

    What the h**l is an mp3 player?

    Hey, I've got an old 8-track player I could sell you.

    Needs a little work though.

    It stopped playing back in '78.

  3. what's a zune?

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