
I think something might have got spilled on my wii there any hope for it to work again?

by  |  earlier

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everythings plugged up right and all but the darn thing wont come on when we hit the power button anymore




  1. Send it in to nintendo. They'll give you another something was messed with the wii I bought but it wasnt spilled on or anything lines were on the screen but anyway yeah

  2. You'll have to send it in to Nintendo.

  3. Call Nintendo. Their customer service helpline is printed on the back of every Nintendo game manual.

  4. oh well tak it to gamestop and see whats wrong

  5. open it up and blow dry it but make sure the blow dryer have a cool button so you dont over heat anything and if that dont work check to see if you had a warranty  on it but if not try take it to a gamestop to see if they can repair it for you. Thats why i keep my ps3 away from liquids

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