
I think soooo many people are fake but it seems like no one notices???? Am I the only one?????????????????????

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So I'm 14 and I get really annoyed with this. I feel like soo many people try really hard, but it seems like everyone likes that and I'm the only one that notices and cares..

Like for example, I just graduated from 8th grade and I have this friend who I am trying to disown. During the summer, she started commenting everyone on myspace, trying to be a myspace w***e. She changed the way she types and I could tell she was trying really hard to be funny.......

Now with these kind of people, I would just think they're stupid and dislike them because they're annoying. But all of the sudden, she has moved up on everyone's top friends, before me. I DON'T GET IT.

I doubt anyone on here is going to understand what I'm talking about either. I strongly dislike people who try really hard to be funny or something they're not. But it seems like no one else notices! I hate it! I hate being like this because I automatically dislike soo many people...




  1. yeah, i completely understand. there's a lot of fake people out there but it's all part of growing up and realizing who you are too. You just have to remember to ween out the fake people in your life and stick with the real people who are themselves and most importantly be true to yourself too. don't try to be fake just to fit in, because in the end it won't get you anywhere. and don't even worry about how high someone is on their top friends. top friends can be changed in an instant just like their fake personalities. Just be yourself and you'll find the real friends who will like you for you. =)

  2. I feel your concern for your friend but at 14 you may be jumping to conclusions about her and your perceptions of what fake really means.

    I get the impression you liked her before the MySpace incident or else you wouldn't be noticing the way she typed her responses. At this age many are exploring their identities in how they will fit in society. She may be playing around being inthralled with the immediacy of posting as an anonymous personality on the web, sort of like role playing like an actor in a play. This is HER journey of self discovery and at 14 it's a bit too soon in the game to tell what qualities as a good friend she lacks or possesses.

    At your age judging people this quickly on very little evidence may condition you to be even more picky about who you want to associate with later on in life narrowing your options for finding friends quite considerably. You might end up  being very lonely if you get into this habit of assessing people in this way. Why not just confront this person and ask why they are behaving this way on the internet?

    Deep down everyone is pretty much the same. We all want to be liked, respected and become part of something bigger than ourselves. The little time we have to find interesting like minded friends induces us into making snap judgments without spending more time to figure folks out.

    Usually first impressions on whether you like or dislike a person is a good indicator if your relationship is going to work out in the future no matter how stupid the other person behaves later on. No one's perfect. Everyone has flaws whether it be acting fake or down to earth. It takes time to seek out what's important in a friend.

    In the adult world many folks have to act fake as a way to make a living like car salespersons, real estate sales people, teachers, etc. You think they talk and act that way at home?

    I know I'm not going to be able to form a relationship with these people speaking to them while they're on the job. I know the tone of conversation will be quite different and less fake sounding talking to them at their home. I have to take a risk and hope that there is something interesting and redeeming about them once I spend more time and observe how they behave in different situations like how they'll post on MySpace.

    It's a scary thought to find that I could be disappointed in them and find them uninteresting which is far worse than finding out their little behavior flaws. It means I'll have to keep looking for other friends which can be quite tiresome.

  3. You're not alone, I never tried to be fake either, it felt (and is) too stupid for me.  Peopel seem to like people who are fake, the reason is because fake people take after the majority of society (based off of assumptions) to gain popularity.  Since conformity is always the best way into their hearts.

    But, I do know what you're talking about when you rant about fake people, I hate them too,since they act like something they're not and only prove they're attention craving freaks.  I also know what you're talking about when you disliking many people, I do too, it's not your fault, you just saw through the stupidity and decided to alienate yourself from it, so did I.  You will get flak for it, but be adamant (firm), for all our sakes.

  4. Some people have no choice but to be fake because they don't like who they are or don' t think that other people would like them if they were honest and down to earth.

    All that glitters is not gold and those who can't tell gold from brass are like the ones who can't see through fake plastic people. There's nothing wrong with being funny as long as they don't do it at someone Else's expense.

  5. girlie.. i am in the same boat! it seems like everywhere i go i see fake people! what is going on with the society and teens today? looks like our future is down the crapper! none of these people can seem to think for them selves any more. everybody just do things because its "cool" or "in".. i wish people were more educated!

  6. yeah people trying to be something they are not just to fit in.  for you to notice this is a good thing and be prepared because adults even act this way.

  7. Of course.  We all see this in our schools.

    It ucks horribly, I feel your pain.

  8. I know exactly what you are talking about, and I find a lot of people to be fake too.  Not all, but a lot of them, so I just ignore them.  I don't give people like that the power to ruin my day.

  9. Well I understand were your coming. Around were I live at, people also act like there someone else, but they are not! Its because of society. The world has no thinkers no more. Nobody thinks for themselves anymore. Everybody thinks right along with everyone else. If someone thinks for themsevle noway days then they will be afraid of what will people say about it or them.

  10. I know exactly what you are talking about.

  11. you are the only one...

    OH NO

    just kidding...

    You will meet people like that throughout your life... As you become an adult, you will start to surround yourself with people more like you.  

    Right now you are in situations by circumstance, not choice.  When you are an adult (not college, but after that) you are in stuations by choice.  That is when you find people that are real and are more like you.

    Just give it time and seek out people that you like.

  12. Are you me? MARRY ME. I know it pisses me off so so much.

    I also hate when people dumb themselves down depending on who they're talking to.

  13. Many people go to extremes to get attention.  some are more successful than others. and it's real easy to fake on the internet.

  14. ye i know and i call them "wanna-be's"

  15. i hear ya.

    i read a quote once, in the book fahrenheit 451.

    basically it says that everyone talks, but its always the same thing.

    if you think about it like i did, its true.

    no one talks about anything deep. its all fake and gossipy.

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