
I think spending 5 points to ask questions is dumb. Should I stop visiting Yahoo! Answers?

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I think spending 5 points to ask questions is dumb. Should I stop visiting Yahoo! Answers?




  1. I don't think 5 points is out of the question, but personally to gain as many points as possible, I tend not to ASK any questions.  I mean don;t get me wrong, I have ASKed in the past but I racked up all my points from ANSWERing.  Get like me if you feel 5 points is too many to ask.  I wouldn't stop visiting, just think you might have the best answer for someone.  Plus it's not like you can DO anything with the points you gain anyway so, don't trip.

  2. yep.

  3. it was your choice to ask the question so why complain...if you want to dance the dance you have to pay the piper

  4. I know I asked u to do this.... but u didn't have to if u were gonna ask stupid questions like this... or maybe not stupid but still

  5. I think you received 100 pts. right from the start. If you would like to hoard them, don't ask questions.

    However, the beginning of knowledge is the awareness that you don't know. The next logical step is to ask.

  6. umm can u repeat the question

  7. ...if u do...kristina will kill you

    and it was pretty dumb to waste 5 points just for this

  8. your right it is dumb, so why do it? awnser more, its fun

  9. chose the best answer to your questions and you get three points back per question.

  10. Only if that is what you want to do

    but if you answer questions vote you will never know you lost five points.

  11. That is up to you.

  12. nope. just answer question instead of asking them. then instead of getting 5 points deducted, you gain 2 wonderful points!.

    you should try it!

    (thanks for my two points by the way)

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