
I think squirrels are the ugliest things alive, Do you think so?

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1. Huge eyes

2. Ugly feet

3. Greasy..fur

4.How they sit or stop..

5.How they walk..

6.Thinking what their tails would look like with no fur..



Does anyone agree




  1. I hate squirrels. I don't know what it is about them that gets me but they freak me out. I'm not kidding I'm terrified of them. They freak the living daylights out of me. I agree with you all the way.  

  2. squirrels are cute!! :P There are much worse animals than that.  spiders, definitely, freak the turds out of me.

  3. They are darling.  However my husband insists that they are rats in tuxedos.

  4. If you think squirrels are the ugliest things alive then you obviously didn't see the blob fish on an earlier post - now that's UGLY!!

  5. squirrearen'tent that ugly and you shouldn't  be afraid of them becouse there more afraid of you if you dont like them stay away

  6. nope, don't agree. I say that they are awesome and they're one of the CUTEST living things on earth.  

  7. OMG u must be a VERY critical and not so loving person...not a big animal lover, eh? offense....i think squirrels are SUPER cute.....except their feet and claws scare me, but the cute face...their big smart looking eyes...and the bushy tail....and even the color of their coat....are soooo cute! I just want to hug it...if only they werent so high strung and not..touchable..LOL....Very unique and adorable, in my opinion.....i have a squirrel that comes to visit my backyard everyday.....if u treat it well and give it some food will be friends with you! =) it just wont let u touch it, obviously...

    and by the way, its CRINGE...not "cring"

  8. No offence to you, but are you 5? This is the dumbest question I have yet to see, I think.

    A squirrel cannot be measured in beaty. They are fricking squirrels!! Animals CANNOT be pretty or ugly. That is a "people thing". A squirrel does not look like a person. There is no sense in comparing a "pretty" animal to an "ugly" squirrel because they cannot be compared. They are vastly different. They look and act the way they are for a reason. Those reasons help them hunt and survive, which is what makes them excellent thriving animals. THAT is the real question, how well an animal can survive. No how "pretty" it is.

    And I'm sorry, but I do not see any rationality in your question. SO many other animals have almost identical eyes, feet, fur, mobility, and tails. In fact, you have pretty much described ALL rodents! Squirrels ARE rodents, in contrast to whatever loon said otherwise...

    And by the way, I have no idea where you got that they have greasy fur. They most certainly do not. No animal naturally have greasy fur unless it is sick. You are probably confusing the shine of the fur with it being greasy. Really, shiney fur means the animal is healthy. This leads me to thinking you never really even bothered to get close to the darn things before making such judgements. That you are just a distant observer. In which case you do not know all that much about them. About the secret magical world of The Mighty Squirrel.

    lol, other than all that, thanks for the smile :D

  9. no! i think they're adorable!  

  10. No, i think this is the ugliest thing alive :)

  11. i disagree I think squirrels are cute, rodents are ewww.

  12. If you think about it humans are the ugliest things on earth, we even think some of our own kind are ugly. =]  

    barely any hair

    wierd small eyes in front

    wierd nose sticking out of our faces

    the way we stand





    i can go on...

  13. one respect they're actually kind of cute..HOWEVER:  They are, essentially, bushy-tailed rats with really good PR.  Disease bearing vermin!

    I've got a Betty Crocker Cook Book from the 50's that has instructions for cleaning, dressing and cooking squirrel; wanna copy of the recipe?

  14. um no.  

  15. they're not the prettiest animals but there are much worse

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