
I think that I ruined someones life?

by  |  earlier

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I was a member of the group that did it. We all harassed a kid. We beat him we grabbed his a$$ and basically treated him like he was our *****. We did it because we thought that he was trying to act hard but later we found out that actually came from a broken home and he just wanted his own space. Now this kid has pretty much lost it, I talked to him and I dont think he is even in touch with reality. I mean he is actually insane and will probably be unable to function in society. What fueled us messing with him so hard is because the way he looked. He looked like he was a rich kid but later we found out that that could not be further from the case. He actually was raised by his mother and her boyfriend and they both had problems with drugs and alchool.




  1. WOW! You need to help him. By now he could be suicidal! Do what ever you can. Be his best friend, no matter what other people say or think. Better to loose some friends than be the reason that he kills himself in the future.

  2. why would you do that ? you're such a loser!

  3. First and foremost........ forgive yourself or you won't be able to help anyone... then GO HELP THE BOY!

    Remember there's always hope, and if you try, you will succeed!

  4. I have great hope for YOU, because you can about what has happened.

    It is possible, that in time, this young man could recovery to some degree from the abuse he has suffered.

    Healing can begin with an makes forgiveness easier to experience....

    I think a sincere apology from you would go along way....But be prepared to be rejected...this would be "normal behavior".

    In the future, please be as kind as possible to this individual...He needs to see the kindness humans are capable of.

    <Did you want us to tell forget it...that you have no responsibility in this situation?  Why did you bother?>

  5. Wow...u honestly did a very bad thing...he obviously has issues and you guys messing with him has only driven him to becoming more crazy. You need to get him to meet with you and talk...I'm not saying become best friends...just apologize majorly...and tell him you can help him and be there for him...and encourage your group to do the same...and encourage the kid to get some help if you can

  6. hitsugay is right.

  7. Before you try to help him(if you do try) ....get your guilt feeling fixed up first , maybe a problem if you don't ..

  8. you all need to take care of him so that he has all the help you can give him. Just do what you can to make it up to him & don't give up until he is OK.

  9. I doubt you can do much about your past actions, but you can do something about your future...learn from that experience and move on .....

    If this feeling of guilt continues it may indeed affect your life negatively....are you feeling that you should be punished somehow  perhaps ....

  10. his life's already ruined.... don't feel guilty about it.... just go say sorry for what you did....

  11. Wow...go apologize to the kid and give him a few dollars or something. Make it up to him in someway. See what you can do to help him....

  12. apologize. confront him. seriously. poor boy.

  13. Spend every second of your life helpng him. Give him a reason to live. If you don't, it could end in a death. If you get ridiculed, who cares? Iquit caring what people thought about me years ago.

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