
I think that Jerry Quarry is the best white fighter who ever lived What do you think?

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I think that Jerry Quarry is the best white fighter who ever lived What do you think?




  1. One of the best, perhaps will make the top ten.  But the best white fighter, I think, was Rocky Marciano.

  2. I think that, if they were alive, Gene Tunney and Jack Dempsey would not agree.

  3. I think max smelling, I guess thats how you spell his name.

  4. He was a tough guy. He didn`t make it into best of anything. Saying he was the best White fighter who ever lived is like saying Tony Tubbs is the best black fighter ever. I`ll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume your a Quarry fan and not just someone trying to be insulting.

  5. Absolutely Not.....Jim Jefferies, Bob Fitzsimmons, Jack Dempsey, Gene Tunney, Harry Greb, Tom Sharkey, Willie Pep, Benny Leonard, Max Baer, Rocky Marciano,  Stanley Ketchel, Jimmy Wilde, Tony Zale, Billy Conn, Max Schmeling, Carmen Basilio.......and so many others too numerous to name who were better than Quarry. Quarry was good enough to win a string of fights  but  was famous for losing the big one when he stepped up to the plate.

  6. Marciano, Dempsey or Lamotta.  I would go with one of them.  Hard decision though.  Probably Rocky.

  7. All due respect to Quarry and it's good that fighters have loyal fans like you, even when they don't quite make it to a championship. He was a great fighter -  very tough and a lot of heart - but I think even you will have to admit he wasn't the best white fighter ever.

  8. I think you are smoking too much crack.  Jerry Quarry wasn't even the best white heavyweight who ever lived.  Kelly Pavlik, Ray Mancini, Rocky Marciano, Jack Dempsey, Jack Sharkey, Stanley Ketchel, Mickey Walker, Gerry Cooney, Mickey Ward, Tommy Morrison and many others were all better fighters than Quarry and those are just the white AMERICAN fighters let alone the white European ones. Quarry may have been tough but he was not that good to be quite honest.  He just happened to come along and be a tough guy ina  tough era and with his heart and his fights against some very famous heavyweight champs he was way overrated but beloved nevertheless.

  9. Now that's funny.  That's real funny.

    By the way, is your name Joey Quarry?

  10. willie pep

    roberto duran

    benny leonard

    jimmy wilde

    billy conn

    carlos monzon

    julio cesar chavez

    henry armstrong

  11. You're not even close.  Either you live in some remote town where you are led to believe that 99% of all boxers are Black or your dad has pictures of Jerry all over the den.  

    I cant even begin to make a list of White fighters in any catagory who are better than Quarry.  The best thing I can say about him is that he lost to some of the best fighters in the 70s.  

    IF you break fighters into catagories you have heavyweights and non heavyweights,  fighters today, fighters during Quarry's time, fighters before,   it doesnt matter how you list them you will find that he's not the best on any list you could compile.  

    Perhaps if you break it down to the Quarry household he was probably better than his brother Mike.

  12. I enjoyed reading the answers almost as much as the question.  Thumbs up to Elmer Fudstein, great answer Tunney and Dempsey would certainly have disagreed.  It would be difficult to find a better White fighter than Marciano, but then we all have our favorites.  I must admit, when Jerry Quarry KOed Earnie Shavers, it surprised a lot of people, I think it was Quarry's biggest win.  Jerry was good, but no where near the best.

  13. In terms of heavyweights, Quarry was an oustanding fighter and contender during his career.  He beat some quality opposition in his career.  But the following fighters were better than him:

    Jack Dempsey

    James Jeffries

    Rocky Marciano

    Gene Tunney

    Of course those I just mentioned were all great white heavyweight champs.  I'm not certain he could have beten champs like Braddock, Schmeling, Sharkey, Johansson, among others.  Also during his era was he even better than Chuvalo who beat him or Bonavena?  No knock on Quarry as he did have a good record and a good fighter, but the best?  I don't think so.

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