
I think that just like my steelers the giants are very underestimated?

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It may the preseason but last night they showed that last year was no fluke,they are focused,and just like the steelers they are happy to fly under the radar and ready to prove everybody wrong.It would be soooo sweet to have a steeler giant superbowl,not only because it would be a great superbowl but i would love to see what excuses all the people who are predicting a cowboys,chargers or cowboys,pats superbowl would have.




  1. Sorry to ruin your fantasy, but the Steelers won't make it to the Super Bowl. They could win their division, but I'm sure Cleveland may have something to say about that. I don't see a wild card coming from this division due to schedules. The Giants on the other hand better hope to sneak in the playoffs as a wild card and play all road games as this seems to be their forte so to speak. Seems the pressure on the road is less than at home. But reality says neither team makes Super Bowl this year.

  2. Your analysis is right on.

    One of the best things about the Favre move to NY is that it allows the Giants to "fly under the radar" even more this year. It takes some of the pressure off of them from the fans and media  That's especially important in a major media market like NY where the fans are always impatient and often unreasonable. And you can compound that with the built-in "under the radar" advantage of having Manning for a quarterback.  His modesty is a strength that is definitely underestimated, as he proved in EVERY away game last year, EVERY playoff game, and the Super Bowl. The Giants are fortunate to have him.  

  3.   The browns also had some key players missing last night: their all pro receiver, very fine FB, their great nose tackle and others. I think they will do much better in the regular season against NY. The giants are a very good team. The steelers have a two major problems: their weak offensive line and the toughest sked. Those two factors will hurt their record.

  4. The Giants are for sure underestimated, they have a great offense and one of the best defenses i have seen besides the steelers, they r young and r ready to kill, eli is becoming more like peyton every time he walks onto that field so i expect the giants to be in NFC Championship again, and i want to see the Steelers vs. Giants in the super bowl, or the Colts vs. Giants in the super bowl brother vs. brother

  5. I agree 100% and, this is not a bad thing as, both teams, seem to feed off their underdog status. the BROWNS, on the other hand...I don't know what to say about a team that plays like that, against another first team missing ten starters, including five receivers and, two cornerbacks.  

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