
I think that my uncle is too old to have another child, what should I do to stop him?

by  |  earlier

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my uncle is 47 I'm 27 and he's remarried since 6 years ago. and his new wife is 20 and they have already got two children who are7 and 5 and another one from a previous marriage who is 11. I don't want him to have another child since he's so old and it will be bad for the baby. I have got 2 children who are 3 and 1 and I'm young and perfect so what should I tell my uncle so he doesn't have another child?




  1. It is none of your business.

  2. THere is absolutely nothing you can do. I agree that he is too old but you cant do anything about it

  3. So,your saying she had a child when she was 13 and 15? You can't do anything to stop him by the way.Your young and perfect??

  4. 1st of he's not that old, there's parents that are beyond their 50s. 2nd he's an adult, let him do what he chooses.  

  5. You don't have the right to make that decision, and I honestly think you will just make him angry if you bring it up. If he wants another baby, thats his choice...not yours.

  6. and why is that any of your business?

  7. lol,you cant stop him...why do you feel responsible for what he does,your not him.

  8. It's none of your business.  You must have a very high opinion of yourself if you think you can tell your uncle and his wife how many kids they can have.  Boy, some people....

  9. I guess it's understandable for you to feel this way. You can try talking him out of it or slip his wife some pills every month when you invite them to "dinner" . ; )

  10. It becomes risky if a women is over 40 as the risk of down syndrome increases substantially as a women is born with eggs and they age with the body a man on the other hand does not have any problems such as this and there is no stats or evidence proving otherwise. although he may be older, as long as he is healthy and in a suitable position to bring another child into the world then good luck to them. please also remember that if his wife is only 20 then it is quite likely to want to expand her family  

  11. It IS your uncles and his wives choice, but if you are concerned, talk to him first and then consider talking to his wife as well. Even if the baby did have birth defects, that does not necessarily mean that it will be loved any less. That is essential, isn't it?

  12. its not your choice  

  13. that is not too old and he is an ADULT that can make his own decisions. You should stay out of it or you will annoy him, i would be annoyed.

  14. Well, you could follow him around, hide in his bedroom and "haunt" them so that they never get an opportunity to get pregnant.

    Then when that gets you stuck in the psych ward, you could realize that he is an adult, and it really isn't your business. I'm not even sure that the guy's age matters (though I'm not positive) and his wife is still in the safe age range, so it should be fine.

    If you're really concerned you could always talk to him. Do a little research first to see if there is anything to really worry about, and if there is, share your concerns (in a nonjudgmental way). Maybe he's already thought about this and talked to his doctor and his doc told him not to worry.

    Honestly, though I think that the haunting thing would be more fun (and potentially scarring) the talking bit will be your most effective option.

    Just out of curiosity, what do your youth and perfection have to do with anything? I assume you weren't hoping to father the child instead, because I have to tell you, I just don't see that working out. :]

  15. Do you believe in freedom? That means that everybody is entitled to do his own mistakes and learn from them. You are nobody to tell him what he or in any case, anybody should do with his own life. If you love him, even more so.

    Moreover, you are just too young to decide that he is too old. You know nothing of life. Go and do your own mistakes and leave other people alone doing "their own mistakes".

  16. Mind your own business. If they are not financially dependent upon you, then you have no say in how many children they have. Your uncle and his new wife are adults, let them decide how many are enough. You may be young, but there is no one who is perfect. Concentrate on your own kids and leave your uncle and his wife alone.

  17. What? Stop him? You have that much control over him? Over anybody for that matter. Grow up, he's an adult...just short of castrating him, there is nothing you can do.

  18. it's not up to you to tell him not to have another child. he is not to old and if his new wife wants children then what's wrong with that. do you not want him to have more kids because he is a bad father? any other reason is pretty much none of your business. i think as long as he takes care of the children he has and is going to take care of any new ones that come along then i think it's fine.

  19. well sorry to tell you but this is not your decision to make. if he wants kids let him have them

  20. What? She's only 30 so has a few years left up her sleeve to have children without too many risks just yet, and well it doesn't matter what age your uncle is.

    Who are you to say anything, it's none of your business, so stay out of their s*x life, if they want another child it's up to them not you, and 27 is not exactly that young at all, you're only a mere 3yrs behind your uncle's wife. and going by this question you are definintely not perfect for judging someone else's relationship and whether they should have another child. Just rude.

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