
I think the Boston Red Sox have a great chance at repeating what do you think?????????

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yea j-bay is doing great yes you heard it here first j-bay nickname made up by bosoxnation99




  1. I don't think so..................I believe the Angels will win it all...............

  2. It depends on your difinition of the word great.  Your statement might be more accurate if you just leave the word great out of your question in its entirety.

  3. I think Bucholz needs a demotion back to AAA or to the bullpen and I think Masterson deserves another shot at the starting rotation. Josh Beckett needs a better road record and Tim Wakefield needs to be better than 50/50. It doesn't look like the Rays are going to falter (i am surprised by that) so the Redsox are really going to have to win every game they should win down the stretch (i.e. games against Seattle, Baltimore, Texas, etc). ONce they GET IN the playoffs, I think they will be fine. I dont care how good the LAA Angels are. The Sox own them in October. And I don't care about the Rays in October (never been there and have NO experience) and the White Sox starting rotation doesn't scare me. We all know what Beckett can do in October. I think they have a good shot of repeating, and I do like the addition of J-Bay. Let's go Redsox. Should be a fun next 6 weeks.

  4. I'm a Yankee Fan and i agree with you. What is the World coming to?

  5. I am not going to doubt my Sox but this year is going to be a tough year to win the World Series again even with Jason Bay.Jason Bay has been amazing though!I never really liked Manny so I didn't look at it as  a huge loss when he left.He was a loser who didn't want to even make an attempt at hustling to first base.I hope you don't mind if I use your nickname j-bay (I'll give you credit).The Sox are really going to have to clean up their act now that it is the second half of the season.They have to act like they want to win and make it to the World Series again.It will be quite the war when and if they have to play Tampa Bay.Tampa Bays is expecting to make it to the World Series and the Sox have to stop those predictions.They really can't let the Yanks beat them either.There is actually a few Yankee fans in my area of MA,and I can't stand them!

  6. Too bad the Angels own them this year, and that was with Manny.

    Angels vs. Cubs.  Angels in 6

  7. I don't see the Red Sox repeating as champions & felt that way all season & I see that you are one of the newest member to jump on the bandwagon of Red Sox Nation  

  8. Go Rays

  9. So, you're back to flip-flopping, huh?

    Oh and no they won't. The Red Sox aren't championship material this year. Not to me, anyway. Trading Manny Ramirez pretty much killed that dream. (Not saying that as a Boston-hating Yankees fan. Just giving my honest opinion.)  

  10. That's cute.  But, no.  They only win at home and the Angel's have already shown they can beat them there.  :)  

  11. not to call you out, but im sure in the guy's 30 years on this planet, you arent the first person to call him j-bay

    and i think the BoSox need to play a little bit better, especially against the Angels who have basically owned them this year, if they want to repeat..they have proven they can win but a road that goes through the Angels and Rays and most likely Cubs will be a tough road indeed

    i think the Angels are the frontrunners for the AL and im sorry red sox fans but i dont see a repeat World Series win for the red sox  

  12. I agree. However, Buchholz needs to strengthen up, and get better and go back to AAA to do that. Mastersons a great pitcher and I believe he needs to back to the starting line up, and we need to get Beckett back on track but we will see how he does tonight!  Once Ellsbury, Papi and Lowell start hitting again then I feel the Red Sox have a wonderful, powerful lineup!  Pedroia is just on fire, and even Lowrie, I love him.  But what do you do when Lugo has to come back?  The red sox are a great team they just need everyone on the right track in order to go far.

  13. focus on getting to the playoffs first.

  14. Red Sox will not repeat because they cannot beat the Angels and because they cannot beat the Rays in Tampa. The only way the Red Sox beat the Rays is if the BoSox win the division. I agree that the Angels are the best team in the AL, but who is one of the teams who has swept the Angels from the AL? Answer is: Rays. I think it'll be the Angels vs Rays in the ALCS and whoever has home field wins. Rays play the Angels in 1 week in Tampa; that will be a HUGE series in the AL that all of baseball will be watching.

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