
I think the goverment should cap gas prices at like 2.50 any takers?

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cause i know the u.s is not the only nation that uses gas so the oil companys wonldn't be hurting with there multi billons of dollars while i sit and emty my wallet to fill my tank




  1. Why would any oil producer sell United States interests a single barrel if it could only get $2.50 per gallon in the U.S. as opposed to $4.50 in Canada or $8 in Europe?

    If you owned oil wells in Texas (or had a job that depended on oil production), what would you think of that proposal?

  2. or we could mass produce hydrogen cars that put out water vapor instead of gas emmisions

  3. Price control did not work in 1973, it won't work now.

    What has to be done is drill for oil here in the U.S. and improve and use alternative fuel sources (i.e. Solar, Wind, electric, Biodesel, and hydrogen.)

  4. Let me tell you this:

    We can't do that. The corporate SOBs control the US, they have us by the b.. throat. If we say, "No, the gas can't be that expensive!" They say, "Fine, we'll give our gas the Mexico!"

    And the US collapses.

  5. How about we drill for oil in the US or offshore and let the market dictate the price?

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